- Suicidal route

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A/N: I know I said ama order these choices one after another but let's be honest.... doing that with a route is a pain in the ass.... soo I won't probably do that with the routs seeing as this will have a lot of chapters... maybe I will, maybe I won't.... I am soo sorry for confusing you all if I don't but they still have their right chapter names and so on so please orient on that. The order of vigilante, villain and suicidal route will be wrong here. Hope you all can understand my point of view as well here.... if I would do that while it is still in progress, I would confuse the hell out of everyone and once books are finished, I usually don't touch them again 😅

I kinda got to myself and it was very bright at first. The light itself seemed as if it was killing me. I didn't know what was going on and the muffling sound didn't make it any better. All I wanted was to just let everything be. My mother was actually gone and I could faintly remember what happened. Maybe it was better if I didn't had any clues about what happened at all. 

Maybe then my life wasn't soo useless.

It should have been me and not my mom who should have died there.

I was the troublemaker.

I was the reason she suffered soo much!

If only I was never born or without this cursed quirk!

Maybe she would have been treated right if people didn't think of me as an abomination... who am I kidding... I was an abomination. I hated what people said to me and never accepted it but about right now... I couldn't ignore it anymore. My anchor, my mother, the one person in life who was treating me somewhat nicely was gone. What was I supposed to do now? She was my strength in life!

I was laying there in the bed trying to get my eyes to adjust to the light but even then it didn't matter. Was there a point of finding out where I currenlty was? I could have been in hell or even kidnapped and wouldn't mind it. No one could get me my mother back after all. She was my only family left.

Now without her... who was I to be here? What was the reason of me surviving? Was there a point in this? I do remember that my mom used to say that I was her little angel but why was I feeling like the grim reaper then?

Seems like I screwed up....

Big times....

Life made a mistake and thanks to that I survived.

Oh how sure I was that it was my turn to die back then and not my mothers.

While I was laying there in bed not doing anything, I felt like crying. There was this endless sadness which should have made me tear up and cry but no tears came out. I felt this chunk of whatever it was in my throat. It was silencing me, even chocking me. My breathing was normal but with every breath I took, I felt like I was doing some manual labour. It was soo hard and yet soo easy and natural at the same time.

God knows only how long I was staring at this ceiling motionless and I would have remained like this if not for a hand to touch me. That scared me since I was kinda lost in my endless drowning sadness. It honestly felt like a pit about right now. I could for sure just be drowning in it and I wouldn't regret it too. IAfter all I did deserve it. I should have been the one.

???: Hey, are you alright?

Was I looking around?

No... did I wanted help or healing?


Would I tell her honestly everything?

No... who was this woman after all.

Me: Sorry....

I was blinking a couple of times until I finally managed to focus on the woman before me and looked at her. She was wearing all green and seemed like a nurse. 

Nurse: No need to apologise. How are you feeling?

Me: Tired.

Nurse: That is to be expect but do you feel any pain?

Me: No.

Nurse: That's good to hear. If anything is bothering you or you feel pain or uncomfortable please press this button.

She showed me the button but I didn't pay a lot attention to it. I felt more dead inside than anything. Not as if she could do anything about it at all. I knew it was me and I knew that the problem was also me. I just hated it and everything right now. The problem was me here. No one did anything wrong. I was just such a misfortune magnet. It was soo clear that sooner or later something bad would have happened to my mother. I knew that with how much we were all struggeling but this hit me harder than it should.

There was this whole in my heart. I felt soo emotionless besides drowning in my own sadness but did I really had the right to cry? Everything was my fault after all....

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