A) Reveal yourself!

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I really loved this and I don't know why I really thought that it was unfear for them to just put up a name without a face. It was all my doing and after the UA incident, where I killed everyone in there, there was really no one who could actually be dangerous for me. 

To tell you the truth, I was still in that room in the police headquarters. Most of the people went outside to help but I already heard everything from the police officers and let's be honest, I kinda felt like seeing blood and then killed all of the officers here with the gun I had brought with me. Thanks to my father, I did had a license. I may not be a hero but it was dangerous to work in an agency. Who knows who would come at me for who knows what reasons as well.

Me: Hmmmmm..... this is no fun. 

Now that I was all alone, I decided to give Tsukauchi a call.

Tsukauchi: Yes? How can I help you, Izuku?

Me: The caller is here.

Tsukauchi: WHAT?!

Me: They are all dead.

Mz voice didn't had a hint of sadness in it, instead it was amusement. I was close to giggling too.

Tsukauchi: Hide.

Me: No need for that.

Tsukauchi: No need to play the hero right now. Go hide!

Me: Oh but why should I? You see, I am not in danger.

Tsukauchi: What?

Me: Oh please, your quirk should tell you by now that I am not lying.

Tsukauchi: Indeed which is why I am confused.

Me: How is UA doing after that posioning attack?

Tsukauchi: YOU!

Me: Yes, ME!

Tsukauchi: It can't be.

Me: Why? Because I am young? Or is it because Aizawa is my father.

Tsukauchi: You were helping us out!

Me: No, I was just helping myself out here.

Tsukauchi: Why?

Me: Why not?

Tsukauchi: You had everything. Nothing was missing, no one harmed yo-

Me: I had everything... Pffff-hahahahaha don't make me laugh so hard. They took my mother from me! It was only fair that I would turn the odds against them sooner or later.

Tsukauchi: That was an accident.

Me: An accident where heroes were not doing anything at all.

Tsukauchi: Then why did the children in UA had to die? They had nothing to do with this!

Me: As did all your working colleges.

Tsukauchi: You did not!

Me: Oh yes, I did. A small surprise for you... tho I can hardly call it a suprise now. Take it as a gift from me because of the nice name you gave me.

With that I left my phone in the very same room. It was not even my phone that I called the detective anyways. If it would be mine, then I wouldn't be that dumb to call someone from it but would use a prepaid one. Something I could throw away at any time. Discardable and useful at the same time. It would be something they would try to track me down through but that is impossible now.

Once I left the phone on the table, I just simply walked away from the room and smiled at the cameras while waving. Certainly this should be enough to make me the number 1 villain of Japan now. I mean what else did I had to do?

I had killed Nezu, I had killed soo many innocent lives, childrens, and soon to be liabilities. They might have become some fine heroes but the chances were high that they were only there for the fame or the money. Ah who cares! I used them as a stepping stone to get to a higher ground. What was done was done! There was no turning back now.

In the end, I walked towards the base where I had my very own father locked in. Maybe it was the guilt in myself or it was just my very own happiness. Who knows why but I ended up walking inside the cell and looked at my father. He seemed shocked seeing me and the way he looked at me told me everything. He was afraid of who I became.

Aizawa: What have you done?!

Me: Oh I just killed everyone in UA, so that no one can become dangerous to me.

Aizawa: ..... 

Me: Oh and your friend that detective, he knows that it was me. I told it to him myself.

Aizawa: Did you kill him?

Me: No, I like him. He will be the one I will mess with.

Aizawa: Haven't you done enough already? There is no turning back now!

Me: I know and I never wanted to get back to a peaceful life. 

Aizawa: *sigh*

Me: Well, I kinda wanted to tell you this.

The very same moment, I was about to get out of the room, the radio started to talk about me and what I had done and they even announced my name and my identity as well as all the crimes. They had now offically labeled me as the most wanted and most dangerous and unpredictable villain of Japan. Oh what a great outcome this is. This was exactly what I wanted.

I had finally done it.

After years of planning, I made it happen.

I was now the number 1 villain and I would make sure that no one would take that spot away from me.

After all, I had worked soo hard to create a crime that everyone would remember for years, no, even centuries.

"The caller"

What a nice ring it has....

I really like it.

Let's make the whole world know this name!

Let everyone know that its me and that I am the most dangerous person there is!

Let them know that a quirkless person can be their fall!






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