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When I got out of the bath I was glad that there was no danger and honestly I would have felt soo bad if there would be something. It was a skill I picked up over time. Now that I got the dirt and sweat away, I decided to grab my things and go back to my class. Though I did wait till the class was over and the teacher was gone to get back inside. No matter what, I was there in school so no one could say anything against me. I had CCTV catching me running away.

Let's fast forward this boring school life. I mean there wasn't much after I managed to get in class. Bakugo and his minions were laughing and since our breaks were just 5-10 minutes they did leave me alone. Each class was soo boring for me since it wasn't really hard to not get what the teachers were preaching in front of the class. I am not dumb and if anything I could lean and study on my own and don't need anyone telling me or explaining me stuff. I had books and they were my friends.

Anyways after this school life was over and nothing really happened after me running away and getting a shower, I quickly grabbed my stuff and busted out of the school meaning I basically ran to the ground floor and then to a classroom jumping out of a windown to get out since Bakugo would for sure wait for me at the gates. So of course I went for the other way out.


Now let's go home and change clothes...

Front gate is a no go...

Then let's just climb over that fence.

At this point I am happy this 2 meter fence is not higher... I just need too....And.....





When I got out, I started running towards the fence and it took me a bit of momentum to get up but the moment I was on top of it looking over the edge and was about to jump, I realized that there was a homeless person walking this way. To top it off... he was basically in my way and I didn't had a way to stop at all. Maybe I should explain that this fence was really not much of a fence than a brick wall where the grip was quite easy and climbing it up was really no feat at all...especially not when one did this more than just a couple of times already.




Me: Sorry!

After the inevitable crash, I quickly got up to pick the shopping bag filled with catfood up the ground and help the homeless hobo up as well. At the time I was about to help him up he was already on his feet and he had my backpack in his hands.

Me: So sorry.

Hobo: Calm down problem child.

Problem child?

Is he serious right now?

I mean... I really look like one jumping over this fence huh....

Me: Sorry.

Hobo: *sigh* stop apologizing.

Me: .. sorry....

Hobo: *sigh* Why in the world you would you even jump over a fence?

Me: Ahm... I was in a hurry?

Hobo: That is a question not an answer.

Me: I have to go this way and this is a shortcut.

Hobo: ... kid, the gate is right over there just a couple of meters away.

Me: .... I know...

Hobo: So?


Why am I even talking to this hobo again?

I mean he doesn't know my situation and he is a homeless guy...

Why am I even debating this in my head?

This is worthless!

Me: I have my own situation. Here and sorry again.

I basically offered him the bag back so he could take his little shopping bag and I could get my very own school bag back. However the way he was looking at me told me everything. This guy didn't had any intentions of actually giving me my stuff back before I could satisfy his curiosity or maybe worry. Still it was none of his business and I was not about to give him anything at all before I would certainly start bolting again.

Hobo: Kid, you owe me an explenation.

Me: I do... since when?

Hobo: The moment you crashed into me from jumping over that fence.

Me: Well it happens.

Hobo: Oh really now?

Me: Yes now can I get my stuff back?

Hobo: Were you running away from some-

Funny how life really hated me this day. I mean here I was standing with this hobo and talking with him and in the next one I could hear Bakugo screaming. Gosh I loved this day soooooo much. . . Please mind the sarcasm there. I really hated it cause nothing was going according to my wishes.

Bakugo: DEKU!

Me: Oh shit.....

My instincts immediately went to fight or fly and in this case it was definitelly fly. So in an instant I basically rushed to give this man his shopping bag and then wanted to get away but honestly not even that worked as the man held me by my collar and didn't let me go. Bakugo also didn't really had it this day and came over using his quirk for a sec before falling to the ground.


Can you really blame me for bursting out laughing seeing Bakugo just slamb to the ground and make up with it, kissing it soo pationaly that he had a nose bleed from how steaming hot it was? No? Right. This was just the best thing I've seen today and the thing was... I was sure that this man used his quirk cause his hair was floating and he was focusing on Bakugo..... oh shit... his quirk!

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