C) Stick with being a Vigilante!

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I know what people think! Why not chose a hero since it is way easier in life! Well here is why I decided not to chose a hero:

1) Freedom!

2) They would worry and I don't need that

3) Don't want to put anyone in trouble!


Now you know why and third one is the most important one! I don't want to put any hero in danger because of. I was a vigilante through and through and I couldn't just let it go. I liked my life as Haru and I didn't care about who I was before at all. I knew who I was right now and that was enough for me.

Ohhh! Would you look at this!

Do they seriously think they can get away with this?

I looked the people who were about to rob a KFC store and couldn't believe I was watching them do it. The first thought was to actually call the police but after thinking about it for a bit, I decided to actually call Hawks under an unknown number plus I had a voice changer thanks to Nezu now too. Not as if the heroes including Hawks didn't know about me. However they do not know what I doing anymore. I was completely free and I wouldn't get anyone in danger or in any kind of troubles since they didn't know about anything at all.

Hawks: Hawks on the phone?

Me: You better swing your chicken ass over to the KFC store by the library.

Hawks: Haru?

Me: Yup.

Hawks: Why?

Me: Someone is robbing it.

Hawks: THE FUCK!

It was a short call but what I didn't know was that Hawks was actually in the KFC store and not only him but Endeavor too. So when this group of people got inside after preparing themselves to enter, they were immediately thrown out of the store and I couldn't help but laugh from the shadow watching Hawks scream at them.




He was screaming and screaming without any kind of end at all! This was just funny. I couldn't help but just laugh soo badly till I felt some tears running down my cheek. Though I also knew that I had to go once again. I was never in one spot for too long. The heroes might have trained me for a whole year and I was ready for anything but I still didn't needed any villain group like the LOV again.

A year ago they thought getting me was the best option they had....


They defintiely didn't accounted Nezu for sure.

That damn rat comes straight out of hell for sure!

I still don't get how he was actually getting them behind bars soo fast or how he knew where to find him in a weeks time. It's beyond my own apprehending and I was for sure not gonna ask at all. Nezu was creeping me out and each time I was meeting up with him for a checkup on my equipment, which he so kindly provided, he was smiling like a damn Cheshire and not only that but he was always sipping on tea. Like where the heck does he get that tea and how is it not running out at all?

Was he some kind of superhuman thing?

No No No no...

He is not even human do begin with!

Whelp, luckily for me, I didn't need to meet up with Nezu that much. Just every now and then. 

Uhhh look at Eraserhead here....

Should I scare him?

Nahhh.... his heart won't take it if I do this too often.

I also learned how to creep up on heroes soo well that not even Eraserhead could hear and feel me coming close to him. There was this one time I scared him soo bad that he literally tried to attack me while jumping backwards and there was this edge of the building... long story short, he fell down and below was a dumpster. The poor hero landed in it and after that just was cursing and screaming my name. I did follow him because it kinda made me feel bad. 

Never did I apologise for it...


Well you try to apologise to a hero cursing his soul out that even his very own boyfriend, wife, whatever, Mic ran out of the house and decided to sleep in the car. I for sure wouldn't want to come close to such a fuse that I just started and he was about to explode back then...

So not gonna do that again....

But scaring him every now and then slightly not that bad anymore...

Let's just move on...

Better not let anyone find out, I was here.

It's not my job to fight after all.

I will be like you Valerian.

I am doing a good job.

You can be proud of me for sure!

I just loved it. People now could rest easy and the police as well as the heroes were working soo much more efficent right now. It was the best thing I could ask for. I had my fun looking at stupid villains getting themselves caught or even just stuck. There was one guy who once tried to ecsape from a building and jumped into an elevator before the door closed.... well that villain was too heavy and the elevator suck down soo badly that the firefighters and police and heroes were called to get that villain out. To be fair this villain was only trying to break in but failed and was about to escape... poor man left his own comrades too... he sure got what he deserved.

Anyways, watching, listening and being here was my job.

It felt like this was what I was here for, my very own destiny and I didn't wanted to change anything at all!

This was who I am.

This was what I loved to do and what I had fun with.

Sure this was dangerous and sure this was not something a kid was supposed to do but this was fun!

So I don't care at all!

I will do what I think is best and that is final... now excuse me! I have to leave and see what is going on, on this friday the 13th with a nice and bright full moon night. The best night in a very long time. Ah what a great life I was having.


A/N: Thanks for reading the vigilante route! I hope you all enjoyed reading this route and let's see what the other routes have in store for little Izuku here!

Next up either one of the following:

- Villain route

-  Suicidal route

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