A) Talk to Aizawa

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Me: Look at you now.... all that powerless.... 

After I kinda knocked my own adoptive father out, I quickly got started to bring him over to a place only I knew. He could scream, shout, cry or whatever he wanted there. No one could help him. Of course I set upt a radio in the room where I decided to keep Aizawa. He had now some chains on which would protect me from fighting him and a shock collar as well. Once I put him into that room, I decided to gram a chair and wait till he wakes up. At least I was quite fair and nice to him. This room looked like a bedroom. There was a bed, a shelf some newspaper, some books, a cat for his mental health and a TV as well as a radio.

I wonder how long he will be knocked out.

I am sure the hero has some questions.

No one will find him here, so I might as well just go at it and tell him everything he wants to know.

He will need to live with the fact that he was actually raising a tiger in his home.

Ah I wonder how he will react to it.

It took hours till Aizawa started to move a bit.

Me: Morning dad!

I sounded as cheerful as ever but when he woke up and looked at me, he soon also realised his very own state. There was nothing he could do to escape. I made sure of that.

Aizawa: Izuku...?

Me: Ah, I am sure you have soo many questions. Why should I not answer them. Oh and by the way, forget trying to escape from here. That will be impossible.

Aizawa: Why are you doing this?

Me: Why? Do I seriously need a reason? I lost everything that day when my mom died and it was all thanks to incompetent heroes.

Aizawa: Is this how you see it?

Me: Yes and of course I enjoyed the time with you but it is not the same thing as being with my real mother.

Aizawa: I understand this but that is not reason for doing something like this. Now release me and we can work things out.

Me: Hahaha release you?! And then what? You will put me in some kind of mental clinic instead of a prison? No thank you. I am sane.

Aizawa: I never said that.

Me: Then what is your plan, dad?

I could tell how much I hurt the hero just calling him dad while also pretty much have him caged up here. 

Aizawa: Let's talk this out and we will figure a way out of this situation. I will not rat my own son out. Let's leave it as a bad joke.

Me: So killing people is called a bad joke if you have a hero as a father. That sounds pretty neat.

Aizawa: What?

Me: Oh please! You can't tell me that you didn't suspect me when you found the nails.

Aizawa: I...

Me: Besides I arranged for Kamui Wood to die. He was the first or second one to go. Was this a coincident? Certainly not.

Aizawa: Why? You are not like this.

Me: I am not like this towards people I don't have anything against.

Aizawa: Then what did the heroes who died do to you?

Me: Oh I was doing the society a favor. You know, good heroes are hard to come by but bad one are literally filling the city with their presence.

Aizawa: This is not how I raised you.

Me: You are right. This is not how YOU or my mother raised me but this is what I've become thanks to that incident. You really think I would stay the same after seeing the flaw in our society? Pffff- don't ridicule me.

It was only now that his gaze shifted a bit. It seems as if he had given up to talk and argue with me about this and instead ask something else. Perhaps he also knew that there was no use to talk with me, to try to get me to release him or stop. He should know me at least this much.

Aizawa: Alright, then what do you want to do now?

Me: Oh I will continue to get rid of certain heroes. 

Aizawa: What about me?

Me: What about you?

Aizawa: Will you get rid of me as well?

Me: Nope. I designed this room for you to stay in here. You'll be safe from the chaos outside and you have a cat to acompany you here so don't worry about anything.

Aizawa: This is not a life!

Me: No? Then would you rather I send you off?

At this he stopped talking and I decided to bow to him to bid him my farewell before leaving the room. There was still much I needed to do. After all villainy never sleeps.

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