B) Give in

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I couldn't stand this anymore. I couldn't do it. I was a loser okay! I just can't! This feeling was drowning me soo much that it made me think that something was not right with me. Why was I even still here? Was this really a punishment? Would I be able to take it?

No... that was the simple answer to everything.

It hurts!

It was no punishment, it was hell and with each breath I was taking I felt like I was breathing in something like smoke. Of course I knew there was none but my lungs were burning and my throat was itchy. My cheeks were heated up as if I had cried hours and hours and rubbed my eyes and my cheek but that was not true. I wanted to cry it all out but nothing came it was as if I was not even worth that much. As if I had lost the right to cry and express any kind of sadness. I was a criminial after all how was I even supposed to leave it be and be the one crying, missing and mourning my mothers death?

Eraserhead: Izuku?

I heard the heroes voice but I was already long long gone. My mind was empty and my head didn't think about the next thing I did. I mean it didn't had to think at all. The solution to my problem was so close and it was a simple one as well.

My body was moving on its own as I wished for nothing more than death. This was how I opened the door and the seatbelt in quite the hurry without leaving the hero any kind of chance to actually react to it. I heard him scream my name after I jumped out of the car.....

Maybe this is for the better...

You won't need to look after a failure and a criminal like me.

I would only take up space and rot away...

No... I can't... I wouldn't be worth even just stepping into the house!

Why was he so nice to me though?

Ah who cares!

Of course I felt the impact of the hard ground and I heard the cars honking but what I also heard was another scream and more honking as well as that one screaching sound of tires when they hit break. I had my eyes close the whole time. All I wished was for this to be over but nothing really happened besides some kind of arms wrapping around me and pulling me into a hug.

Eraserhead: Don't EVER do this again.

That moment when I realized what was going on, I opened my eyes and looked at the hero who by the way was already checking on me. It seems as if I was unharmed. I could tell that much and let me tell you, this was such a shame. There was for sure someone up there inb heaven or down there in hell hating me because this would have been the perfect moment to die.

It would have solved everything!

It would have released me from this pain!

This suffering!

This... this...

Before I knew it, I felt something dripping down my cheek and it did take me some time before I realized it but I actually was crying right here in the heroes arms and it felt soo refreshing too. In contrary what I thought about myself, it felt as if I had just bombarded a dam and all the force that was stuck behind is was breaking it soo much that right now, right here, there was no end to it at all.

Eraserhead: Let it out problem child... let it ou.

There were people all around us but who cared about them!

There might have been an accident happening around us but who cared about that too!

Right now it felt heavenly to cry. Though it was not helping me with that weird dark feeling that I had at all. It was still there and it was stuck in my throat but this time I felt my own heart beat as I was crying soo hard. 

Eraserhead: Just let it out Izuku... just let it out... everything will be... don't worry about it.

His words sounded like honey to me. I meant it! It was too god to be true and yet it made me think that maybe there was another way... maybe I was wrong... but right now... I felt my heavy eyelids start to close itself as I was crying it all out while the hero was holding me.

This warmth was aluringly nice.

The smell of coffee made it even worse as it was bitterly soothing and that roasted aroma was just making me more and more sleepy. Not as if I had any energy left at all. 

The last thing I do remember before completly zooming off and actually falling alseep was him picking me up and.... and... I don't know... that scent never really left me at all.

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