Lions den

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I may or not be an idiot for just walking through that damn portal but oh well, what happened happened and now I could just look around and listen to everything until I got an idea how to even face these villains. Would I be able to fight them? Who knows! Before I didn't know with what I am dealing with, I would certainly not just jump into action at all.


What am I supposed to now?

Should I just leave?


No, there is no way back now!

Perhapse I acted a bit too soon since right now, I was basically having troubles thinking straight. I think I didn't really think this through as well. Not as if I had a plan. There were not just 3 people and that thing in the room but actually more. I could see another 4 people and knew immediately that I was screwed if they had seen me get in here.

Though their attention seemed to be somewhere else for now. 

???: What do we do with this man now?

???: Toga, no.

Toga: What do you mean no Spinner?

Spinner: Put the knife away.

Toga: Oh come on, I am just playing with it.

???: Sure bitch.

Toga: Burned nugget. Why not go back to Hawke?

???: I am just using him!

Spinner: Sure....

???: Both of you shut the fuck up! Dabi, bring them downstairs.

Dabi: Twice help me out!

Twice: Sure, No.

???: Kurogiri, is it ready now?

Kurogiri: No yet, Shigaraki.

There was just one more person in the room who's name I didn't know but that was not really important at all. Right now I was focusing on them and how they were talking as well as all the small details I could pick up.

Toga, the girl was playing around with knives and seemed to love the quiet a bit. I could tell that she must have had a quirk related to blood because when she cut herself she licked it in quite the odd way, as if it she had pleasure with it. It was either that or she had a screw loose.

Then there was Dabi, the other guy we saw in that alley. He was definitely Touya Todoroki. I had seen his blue flames for just a short while but that was enough to know that he was Touya. The kid who fanished and apparently did jump off a rooftop, the kid who's dead body was never found and the kid who Endeavor had lost over the years.... well this very kid was a villain now and that was not really a good sign now was it? Maybe he was also a hero but juts undercover?

I didn't know that for sure and didn't wanted to risk anything so I just continued looking from the position where I was hiding. Honestly there was not much at all. There was this TV and some broken tables as well as some other wood things on the side and I was just simply hiding there watching them.

There was one thing I couldn't tell. I mean there was Spinner with his lizard look, obvious lizard type of quirk but Twice as well as Shigaraki and the one man I didn't know the name out were a mystery to me. Kurogiri seemed to be the one who made a portal and also probably the one who was actually the most dangerous out of them all.

Then there was this thing which was still standing there around as if it was mindless. No one was moving and no one was talking much after the hero and the other guy were transported downstairs.

What do I do?

I can't leave Eraserhead here all alone!

That wouldn't be fair at all!

No, I can't do this!

I know, I don't have the best relationship with the hero but still.....

My mind was quite set on rescuing the hero. He was not a person I could just leave there. After all he was the very first one to see that something was wrong with me. I mean I was not appreciating it but still.... he was a hero who cared about other people no matter if they are quirkless or not. The society needed this man. I could tell that much. I mean I just had to think about all these innocent kids who needed help. He certainly had a knack for his job and he was helping them for sure as well... otherwise he wouldn't have acted this way with me at all.


A) - Go down talk to the hero!

B) - Wait and observe!

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