New Home

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It took about 2 weeks that I got finally out of the hospital and I was just overjoyed about that fact. Let me tell you immediately that the food there was nothing compared to what I could get outside. I mean I wouldn't even compare dog food with it. It was just horrible because of the texture and how it looked. Contrary to what it really was, it kinda tasted quite okay. Still if I get one more green and purple soup and them calling it a pumpkin creme soup, I will for sure throw up. Then I had something green and black they said was a cake and so on. Whoever was working in the kitchen surely had a talent for making things look more than just horrendous.

Anyways, first things first. Once I was released, Eraserhead picked me up and we got to his home without any stops. I could have started a conversation but to be honest, there was not really anything to talk about. He was here and he was about to be adoptive father... no wrong. He was my adoptive father by now. I was supposed to be staying where he is and I will become a villain as well. Any more questions?


Well great!

No one ever said that I had to become a villain right now after all.

I knew that my body was actually very weak right now.

I would fail just encountering anyone... I mean, would anyone expect me to actually fight?

I look like a damn stick and was short as hell!!!!

Yeah, screaming and running away would fit me more.

Then again, I could just take my shoe and start chasing after the villain. I do you one better! From now one I will just walk in slippers so that they are scared!.....

Not gonna happen.

People would look at me and then laugh for being stupid.

So I needed a plan and mine just happened to take a lot of time. I was patient, there was definitely no need to actually start rushing anything. First off, I needed to get better in terms of everything. My stamina was my least problem here. Second of all, I needed support iteems and gadgets as well as training to know how to use them.

Well good that there was a hero right next to me.

Should I ask him now or should I play the shy guy?

I mean....

I could....

But then I would need to start talking to him.....

This is more than awkward....

We got home, he showed me around and all I could think about was just my plan. Everything else just started to rush past me and nothing he told me about the home or anything stuck in my brain. I was sure that I would at one point run into the wrong room and start walking around aimlessly but whatever.

Eraserhead: Kiddo?

Me: Huh?

Eraserhead: Were you even listening?

Me: .... I.... sorry.

Eraserhead: *sigh* It's fine. This must be a lot for you.

Me: No no, I was a bit distracted.

Eraserhead: Anything going on?

Me: ... I actually wanted to ask you something.

Eraserhead: Go ahead and ask.

Me: Will I really need to attend a school?

Eraserhead: Yes. It will be important for your future.

Me: Ua?

Eraserhead: No, you can chose any school. I will back you up however you chose.

Me: Then... what if I say I would like to know some self defense skills?

Eraserhead: Then you can either train with me or I'll find you a suitable teacher.

Me: Really?

Eraserhead: Yes. Why shouldn't I?

Me: I... I thought you might say that I wouldn't need it.

Eraserhead: Izuku, I am a hero. There will be villains and psychopaths that will start going me and my family. If I know that you actually know hot to fight even just a bit, I will feel a lot more at ease.

Me: Then I would really like that.

And the villains can try to come at me.

I don't mind killing them.

I really don't mind starting to kill some... I will be famous one day anyways.

For now, I decided to play along and nod to everything the hero say. I also thought it would be better to play a bit of an innocent child in front of him. He didn't need to know what I was really thinking. After all, this man in front of me would be my biggest asset and the one who would protect me while not knowing that I indeed would be the biggest villain in japans history for sure!

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