B) Don't talk to him

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Me: Look at you now.... all that powerless....

After I kinda knocked my own adoptive father out, I quickly got started to bring him over to a place only I knew. He could scream, shout, cry or whatever he wanted there. No one could help him. Of course I set upt a radio in the room where I decided to keep Aizawa. He had now some chains on which would protect me from fighting him and a shock collar as well. Once I put him into that room, to walk out to the next room since there were cameras all around the room and just watch. At least I was quite fair and nice to him. This room looked like a bedroom. There was a bed, a shelf some newspaper, some books, a cat for his mental health and a TV as well as a radio.

I wonder how he will react to this?

Should be quite the shock... but I can't risk it.

He saw the nails.

FUCK! I should have been more careful there.

How did I miss that.

Besides he was already suspecting me for sure.

I waited in the room watching the cameras and when he started to move, I was eagerly sitting on the edge of my seat to see what he would do. He seemed quite confused at first but then he went to the door and it was locked.

Aizawa: IZUKU?!

Yes, this was it. 

It might actually drive this hero mad but it was worth it. Nothing was this good then having full control over the whole situation! He was dangerous to me after all. I couldn't risk having him running around and then these meetings in the morning!!! Sooner or later, I would have gotten myself into some kind of troubles.

Aizawa: IZUKU!

He screamed my name but there were no speakers there. I just installed some cameras to see what was going on but I never intended to talk to him. Of course he was free to do in that room what he wanted and in this case it seemed as if he was about to demolish the door. Too bad that the door was not that easily to break down. Pure strength alone wouldn't do anything at all.

Me: He really seemed confused... did he not know it was me? Impossible! Everyone who can count one and one will see that it was me. It would be dangerous to leave him out there. He is a double edged sword for me. No, no, no! Stop thinking like this! This was the best thing I could have done.

Unconsciously I started to talk myself while watching the hero try to get out of the room and finally gave up. He slumped to the ground and let the cat come over. 

Aizawa: I don't know why you are doing this but we can work things out! There is no need for this!!!

No need?

He said no need when he doesn't know how much I was suffering!

This is all their fault after all!

The heroes took my mother away from me! They chose not to do anything because of their stupid quirk not being fittet for the situation. Did he really think I would get over something like that? Never! How could I?! Thanks to their incompetence, I had to suffer and loose my only family who cared for me in this goddamn fucking society.

Aizawa: You are my son now. I won't let anyone harm you. Let's leave it as a prank.

As if I would actually fall for that. There was no way, I would.

Does he think I am stupid?

We are not father and son by blood.

Why should I trust him?

He was nice and all but he is a hero. He has a duty! There is no way I will trust his words.

Aizawa: Izuku, let's talk about this my son. 


No matter what he was about to say, I would not step foot in there while he was awake. Not now at least. Maybe one day in the future but for now, I couldn't stand the thought walking in there and listening to all the lies he would come up to get out of there. It would be only natural after all since this was a cage designed for him.

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