Maybe... Just maybe

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I really couldn't describe how the day went after this. Trust me even if I needed to describe it there was just no way I could. I mean we were talking, laughing and in the end joking with each other. Never did I think that we would end up doing that and yet we were. It was amusing but also very strange it felt wrong. I couldn't say it differently. He was basically a stranger and yet I enjoyed being together with him.

Today was a brand new day and I would have definitely said another try but I was in fact very curious about the day. Tsukauchi did tell me that he would take me to his office. He didn't had to work since he took a couple of days off but he wanted to show me the police station and his colleges. So this was where we were heading. Didn't really take long to get there too. At first I was a bit confused then nervous and right now, I was just thinking why. It felt a bit weird being here. 

Tsukauchi: Sansa! 

The moment we got into the police office, everyone greated us with a smile and they seemed all nice. We even brought some chocolate donuts with sparkles on them. Everyone enjoyed them and there was this one cat officer who took one and was about to dip it in his coffee. It looked wrong and thankfully my dad stopped the man.

Tsukauchi: We said not to do this again.

Sansa: I know but I need the coffee.

Tsukauchi: But you are ruining the donut with this.

Sansa: I know! But it taste more like coffee like this.

Another Police Officer: Then no donut for you.

Another another police officer: We all agree that what you are doing right now is torture.

Sansa: I am very sorry. 

I found this quite funny. They seemed more like normal people. I don't even know what I had thought about this... I mean... I think I didn't think about it at all, I guess. For starters they seemed to me like tough people and not childish at all. None of them looked as if they were the type of person who could tackle a villain but I was sure that they could do it none the less.

Tsukauchi: Everyone this is my son, Izuku. If he ever comes around please treat him nice.

Sansa: Oh that's the cute bean you adopted. 

Another Police officer: I am all for this. 

Another another police officer: As am I!

Sansa: Soo why did you come over?

Another Police Officer: Aren't the donuts enough reason?! He is our boss and a good one!

Another another Police Officer: YEAH!

Sansa: Sure sure, Mew! But there has to be a reason.

Tsukauchi: No reason, just showing off a bit.

Sansa: Ah... there it is.

Another police officer: You are not helping your partner there.

Sansa: So what? I am his loyal partner and not you. I am allowed to do this.

They all bursted out laughing and I could tell that they were all a team and even considered each other to be friends if not even close family. It made me wonder if being a police officer was not something I really wanted. I looked at Tsukauchi and remembered what he told me about his sister. He really was a strong person I started to admire. 

The way these people treated him.

The way he acted despite his position and then this atmospher!

It just felt nice.

Tsukauchi: Well you all enjoy the donuts, I'll be showing him around a bit more.

He did as he said and we ended up in his office where he did let me go through papers and pick things up. The first thing that I did was walking around and then stop in front of a picture where he seemed to be with his family. He seemed distant to his family but soo close to his sister.

Tsukauchi: If you are wondering... I am really missing her.... but I know that she would be proud of me with what I have become.

Me: Mh,....

I was a bit absent minded since it reminded me off my very own situation. I had quite a bit to think about. For once, I felt like this was all useless and then I also knew that my mother wouldn't want me to actually do it. I even think she would want me to continue... she always wanted to see me smile.

Was I on the right way?

This was the only question that I had in my mind for now.... 

I think I needed time... time to think and time to find myself again.

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