2 - Villain Route

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A/N: I really thought it would be suicidal route... well I was wrong. XD

Confusion was what I felt waking up to an unknown white ceiling but it took only seconds to for me to really know where I was. After that I was starting to get worried, anxiety spread over my body until it evolved into panic! This patients room was a single room. I was all alone in here. 

Me: Mom...

My voice sounded quite weak but it was all I could think about right now. I had to know where she was. I just had to! She was all I had in terms of family after all. How should I continue without her? 

Me: Mom....

Again nothing but with each time I was calling out her name, I was starting to feel the controll over my body. Perhapse I should lay down longer but that was not an option for me. I had to know what happened! I had to find out! 


I just couldn't leave it at that!

Without much thinking, I sat up, ripped the IV off my arm and threw my legs over the bedside to finally stand up but in that very second the door was opened and I could see that hero there. Eraserhead, the one who had bothered me earlier was standing right there. I would say he was quite in a shock when he saw me sitting there ready to stand up or I could also have been mistaken.

Eraserhead: *sigh* Where are you going?

Me: Out!

Eraserhead: And where is this out?

Me: I am going to find my mother.

Eraserhead: In your conditions?

Me: I. am. going!

Eraserhead: I don't think so.

Me: You can't stop me!

Eraserhead: I can.

Me: TSK!

I really didn't had the patience for this. He was just there standing in my way. To top this off, for some reason his sight was making me more than just a bit angry. After all who did he think he was to stop me like that? He had absolutely no right to stop me whatsoever! I was worried about my mother and I wanted to see her! Was it really that wrong.

There was no way I would be laying in my bed forver. I didn't even care if this hero was in the room or not. My mind was already set and so I stood up from the bed and approached the hero until I was standing right in front of him, glaring at the man of course.

Me: I want to see my mother.

Eraserhead: That is not a good idea.

Me: And why is that not a good idea.

Eraserhead: ... *sigh* Let's have a talk.


If he says that then....


I refuse to believe she died!

I can't,.... why else does he want to talk with me!

Me: NO! Lead me to her.

Eraserhead: Kid-

Me: I need to see her.

Eraserhead: *sigh* fine..... but first get your slippers on.

He seemed displeased but I didn't care. I wouldn't believe anyones words until I would see it for myself and so after I got my slipperes on, I started following the hero who lead me to the one place I hoped that she wouldn't be in. The morgue of this hospital.... we arrived inside and I could already feel how my heart dropped and suck below the deepest part of my stomach. I would even say that I lost it while we walked here but still I had to see her.

I knew that she died....

I still hoped...

Who am I kidding....

I am even looking horrible....

Not to mention how my mother would look like....

We are....



I can't believe you died before me... not in this way!

This is unfair!!!

You shouldn't have died back then!

It should be!

Not you!

No... it should be that guy who is responsible for all this!

Did that bastard even survive the incident?

Rage settled within me. I should feel sad but I couldn't feel this way at all while knowing that none of this would have happened if not for that one person to have caused the incident. It was blind rage that was fuming in me. How could I handle this? How could I step in front of my mother and still be the gentle child she had raised... I just couldn't! I couldn't act like that anymore. When my mother died, a certain part of me died as well.....

Once we were in front of the room, the hero stopped and looked at me.

Eraserhead: Are you sure about this?

Me: ....

Eraserhead: She died at the scene. Her body is in a bad condition. Do you really want to see her?

Was this even a question?


A) Go see his mother

B) Don't and trust in the words of the hero.

The choice is Yours! (Interactive Story)Where stories live. Discover now