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Compress: ... Boss wait!

Me: What is it?

Compress: This was a bit too easy...

Me: And?

Compress: Is it supposed to be that easy?

Me: We trained for it, so why shouldn't it be easy.

Compress: I don't know... I always thought that things would never be that easy.

Me: Oh but Compress... everything can be easy if there is a good plan and we have one.

Compress: Oh...

Me: Anything else?

Compress: No, boss.

Me: Then get out of here. I don't want to lose anyone or leave anyone behind.

Compress: I understand. I'll do so immediately boss.

Once again, I started to move back to my position and that was the middle of the room so that everyone could see me. I really liked being where I was. Plus All Might wasn't there as we have predicted. It was something about him showing late each and every time. I was watching the man a bit closely and while I was doing that, I staretd to notice that his limelight appeariance was getting shorter and shorter. This was something I coudln't deny and that meant that something was wrong.

I didn't know what it was but something was wrong for sure. 

Anways, when I got back to the middle, I decided to listen to what my other team memebers had to say. It seems as if Comrpess was not the only one done. To top it off, they were all getting back to me.

Toga: Izuchi!!!! 

Not again.... why is she calling me that?

Toga: Izubaby?!

Me: Knock it off or no blood for you for a month!

Toga: Sorry... I am sorry. Don't be mad.

Me: You will be going without any deserts today.

Toga: AWWWW man! You can't be serious!

Me: I am. I told you time and time not to call me like that.

Toga: ....hmpf! Fine. I am sorry. 

Me: Anyways what's up?

Toga: I finished uphere.

Me: Did you kill them?

Toga: Per your instructions, no. I did however break some bones and some are bleeding more than a bit.. It's really pretty. Do you want to see it.

Me: No.... good work. Kurogiri are you listening on this?

Kurogiri: Yes?

Me: Bring her out.

Kurogiri: Alright.

Soon after that, I could hear Twice who was saying exactly the same thing. He got done with his group of kids and they were all completly knocked out. I also had him teleported back as well as Dabi and Spinner. Shigaraki was another topic. Once he was done, I had him be teleported right next to me since a promise was a promise. I wanted to get All Might but I also knew it was not my fight and since they were done soo early and All Might was way to late, I rearranged the plan to let Shigaraki try to handle All Might. Meanwhile I had all nomus teleported back except the one with me.

Now that there was just a group of three people and a nomu in the central plaza, we had to admit it... these kids were weak and the heroes were not prepared for this at all. We all did such a fine job that it was scary to admit it.

Shigaraki: And what now?

Me: We wait.

Shigaraki: For how fucking long?

Me: Till All Might decides he has taken enough sweet sweet time and his coffee break is over to motherfucking get here. I don't know for how long. We are gonna wait.

Shigaraki: Can't we just call him over?

Me: And how?

Shigaraki: ....

Me: Look, he is supposed to get here and he will. He is just late as always. Besides he will not have enough time to deal with me, you and that nomu anyways.

Shigaraki: How do you know that?

Me: I did a bit research and found out that he is showing himself less and less and even the time he is active in public is decreasing. What you think why that is?

Kurogiri: He is either injured or he is busy.

Me: The injured part is the one I would put all my money on because I was digging this up a bit more because I wanted to know why this is like it. I found out that ever after the fight with All for One he was starting to show himself less and less. The time did start to decress with time and now we have him active for an horu, two most. 

Shigaraki: So you say we should hit him, where it hurts?

Me: Yup. Try focusing on that area where he was already hit before.

Shigaraki: And tire him out huh.

Me: Yes. How else you want to fight a boss else?

Shigaraki: Not bad...  not bad at all...

Me: Thanks but this is gonna be team work... you ready for that?

Shigaraki: Ready whenever you are.

There was one thing I hate to admit but it was actually nice talking and being together with Shigaraki. He had some good idea but he never was thinking them through. Still hearing them was enough to give me an insight of something else and right now he was just being impatient. Everyone was like that... couldn't say I was not as well. I mean this hero was really letting himself soo much time while everyone here was just either unconscious or dead.. Who knows how many will survive this actually at all.... not my problem anyways.

I was here on a mission.

And I will succeed. 

I was soo close on it anyways.

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