B) Lie!

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How was I.... how was I?

Was this a joke? 

I think everyone in the room could tell how much I was out of it. However there was definitely something inside of me who didn't feel comfortable enough to tell them the truth. I felt as if it would be actually burden them all.

Me: I am fine.

In the end I said this and smiled to the hero who just came into the room. Alright, I screwed up and I knew it when I saw his reaction to my lie. I mean Eraserhead was grimacing and it was definitely not to his liking that I just said that and Mic was well... he seemed a bit shocked but it was hard to read him.

Mic: Are you sure?

Me: ....

Was I sure?

Why was he even asking me these ridiculous things?

Of course I felt like shit!

I was loosing my mind.

"You know that you are a bad child."

That voice that I heard freaked me out to the point, I jumped down from the chair and started looking around. There was no one besides the three of us and it seemed as if I had just given myself away more. 

Mic: Hey, Izu, don't be afraid. It's just us here.

Yeah, they didn't hear anything at all. It was just me and my damn mind.

Eraserhead: What did you hear?

Me: Nothing.

Eraserhead: Problem Child, you wouldn't react like this if it were nothing. 

Mic: Hmm.... did you perhapse hear some voice?

Me: Huh?

It shocked me that the hero was suggesting this and they were looking at each other before Mic nodded and then said that. Oh if he knew how much he was hitting the nail on its head right now. He was spot on but would I tell him that? Nope.

Me: Nooo... nooo...

I mean yes! Totally YES!

Mic: I see....

It was spooking me soo much but it seems as if they already knew about it.

Eraserhead: It is normal to see dead people.

Me: It is?

Mic: Mh! I remember when my sister died, I could see her as and even talked to her?

Eraserhead: And people thought you were crazy.

Maybe this was just an act but it made me loos up and I just don't know what it was but something made me willing to tell them everything after they started acting like this. It somehow made me feel that everything was normal and I was not loosing my mind. That alone made me happy.

Me: *relieved sigh*

Mic: Hmm I remember my sister telling me about something like How could I ever leave her alone and stuff like that. What did you hear little listener?

Me: My mom telling me that I am a bad child...

Eraserhead: You are not. 

Me: How do you know?

Eraserhead: If you were, then you wouldn't be here sitting with us but trying to kill the guy who is responsible for the incident.

Me: But I am the one responsible for it!

Mic: Who told you that?

Me: If I didn't-

Mic: Stop right there!

Me: Huh?

Mic: Listen little listener, you are not at fault. Things like this happen and we now have a son that we always wanted. Don't worry about anything. 

Eraserhead: Izuku, I know it is hard but please know that we are here for you.

Mic: Mh! We are not gonna leave you be alone but will pay attention to our son. 

It felt soo much better knowing that and I don't know but I was still sceptical but the way they were talking to me to the point they were actually being this nice made me think that I might actually be on the right track here.

Me: .... I ... well....

Mic: Hm?

Mic came over to me and he was right next to me fore he started patting my shoulder, my back before actually hugging me and patting my head.

Mic: We will work on this. You don't have to lie to us anymore. Trust us, we all been where you are now. We all had our lows and we all had that one person that dragged us out of there and we will be the ones for you.

Eraserhead: We will work this out together. You are not alone. No one has to go through this alone.

Their honesty made me tear up. I certainly didn't expeted this and so I ended up crying in the hands of Mic while I heard their soft voiced trying to calm me down as well as reasuring me that I was not alone in this. I may know this now... but what about my mind? Did it know about that?

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