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Things kinda turned out this way. I don't really know myself it just did. The hero didn't let me alone not even for a minute the whole time I was in the hospital and trust me, this was evading my private space more than just a bit but then again, I would have found one way or another to make this damn pain stop from being here. I hated the feeling in my chest, pressuring and chocking me soo badly. Yet here I was neededing to endure it. Day by day I was thinking of loosing my mind with this stuff. What was I doing wrong?

Was this the kind of punishment he talked about?

If this was truly the punishment Eraserhead was talking about then I would rather not have it at all. This was more than just a punishment. I hated it soo much. Though was there a way out of it? Was there something I could do to get away from it or not?

Eraserhead: Are you even listening?

Me: Yes.

Eraserhead: Then what did I say to you?

Me: .... I... I am sorry.

Eraserhead: *sigh* You won't be able to use your quirk at home and next week the rehabilitation will start.

Me: Oh.

Eraserhead: Thinking about it again?

Me: It?

Eraserhead: Kid, punishment is punishment besides you are not even wrong. It's natural to be sad and feel that way. 

To be honest, I just listened to the first 4 words of the hero and then skipped everything else. I was already too deep into my own thoughts to have listened to them. My thoughts were telling me that this was only right and that I should just deal with it. Then there was this small voice in my head that was actually urging me to stop and just give up. That I was not worth it and that there was nothing I could do about it.

Whelp, that voice definitely sounded very sweet and allruing but for now that voice was just a whisper in the back of my head which I ignored. Who knows for how long I was about to do that. I had a feeling that I was too weak. As if I was ever strong to begin with anyways.

Eraserhead: *sigh* Did you get everything you need?

Me: I didn't had much stuff here anyways.

Today was the day that the hero was picking me up from the hospital and brought me home. For now we were still at the hospital and he seemed to have packed some of my stuff that they had found at the incidents but I never touched them and honestly I didn't even know that they were there. Besides that Eraserhead did also get me some stuff to kill my boredome which also didn't work out well at all.

Once everything was packed, we went out of the room and were about to leave the hospital when I suddenly got this bad feeling. It was actually soo bad that I felt dizzy and I just needed something to support myself right now. This feeling of endless sadness that overcame me when I saw this one car that drove past the front entrance window was just too much for me.

It was as if in an instant from one moment into the next one, that I was back in that car driving with my mother before the incident. It played out in slow motion in my head and I wanted to scream. I wanted to cry and I wanted to shout but nothing came out of my mouth. 

Eraserhead: IZUKU!

Me: Huh?

Someone just grabbed my arm and that sensation of skinship together with the force brought me back to my senses and I looked at Eraserhead who was holding my arm. He seemed worried and a bit panicked. Did I do something wrong? Did I scream? What did I do just now? 

Me: Ah, I am sorry.

Eraserhead: Is there something?

Me: No.. I just remembered something.

Eraserhead: It's fine. You scared me there problem child. I was calling your name but you didn't move nor reacted at all.


So that is what I did...

It seems like I froze up... fuck!

That must have send soo many alarm clocks in the heroes mind off for sure.... He does seem worried.

How do I play it down?

What do I do?


I know!

Me: Can we actually stop by a cafe on our way home?

The word home felt so foreign that it scared me. This was definitely not what I expected to say but the hero smelled like coffee and I had seen him drink it like water. Was this his holy grail or something, who knows! What I did know was that this was a great way to get offtopic for sure.

Eraserhead: Sure.

Just like that we started to get moving again while I was trying to forget that image in my mind about my mother and the impact. It was somehow burned into the back of my head. A picture I will  never forget.

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