A) Run into a certain someone!

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I don't know what I did to deserve this but it seems like I do since I run around a corner and guess what? I ran into someone. I knew this was really not a way to run into someone but I was just eagerly trying to escape and started running close to the walls while someone used the backdoor and ... well ... it just happened. I simply just ran into someone. 

Me: Sorry. I am so sorry.


Me: I am so sorry.

From experience I already started to prepare myself to get hit or screamed at but the thing that happened next was more than just shocking since Bakugo kinda managed to catch up to me.


Me (whispering): Damn it... and all because I am quirkless....

Dunno why but I felt like complaining still refusing to be very rude, I bowed one last time to the person before I wanted to bold off but couldn't since I felt someone tugging me backwards. Appatently this person jut grabbed my backpack. 

Me: Huh?

Of course I spun around and it was also the first time that I saw this guy. Up until now, I was kinda bowing and refusing to look at the man. White sneakers where the first thing I saw but when I was looking at him closely, I could see that he had a facial mask and was wearing a green jacket with a lot of violet fluff around it. His hair was short and his expression... well it looked judging to me.

Me: I am sorry if I did anything.

Man: It's alright. It's not your problem.

Me: Ahm...


I could hear Bakugo coming closer and closer and that was when I was getting more and more concerned. If it was by me, I would have started running by now. Not as if there was an escape route or anything at all. 

Me:... no no no no....

Man: Is he bothering you?

Me: Yes, I mean No... sorry. He is a friend....

Man: So it is trendy to run away from a trend now?

I had no words for this. He was right. It sounded ridiculous hearing it like this. I was running away and everyone could probably see the horror in my face. 

Me: Please... I beg you... can you let go of me?

It didn't really seem as this person was about to bother at all instead he started to drag me to a car and then there were more people around us. I don't know where they came from. Maybe I was a bit too focused but before I knew it, I was shoved in a car and needlessly to say, I was anxious and confused.

Man: What school?

Me: A..Al..Aldera...

Man: Hari, you heard the kid. Get us to Aldera.

Hari: Sure.

Man: Don't be afraid of us. See this a small token of gratitude.

Me: ... thanks.

Man: You're welcome... you must have had it hard till now.

Me: It's fine.

Man: No it's not. This world is pest ridden.

Me: I am really fine.

Man: *sigh* Are you injured?

Me: No... thanks for worrying.

Man: You don't have to lie to me. 

Me: I am not! I didn't get injured today.

Yeah I don't trust this man... he seems weird!

Why should anyone help me out at all?


I don't trust this at all.

Better just get out of this car as fast as possible... don't even get how I got in here.

The more I was in this car the more I felt uneasy but it seems as if the guy who picked me up was kinda understanding the situation because he just stopped asking anything more and was watching me. Meanwhile I had to look out of the car or else I knew I would go crazy. 

Oh please don't tell me I got kidnapped!


I don't know what to do and what to say to my mother at all if I was being kidnapped!


Please no!

Funny how I was literally panicking but I also calmed down the moment I saw that we were pulling up to my school. This Hari guy even opened the door and they both bid me farwell. Now I was even more confused than before and I was even left there at the side of the road by the pathway smiling slightly and waving to them as the car drove off again.

What just happened?

Did they really just help me out without anything?

No way.... does kindness really exist?

This is probably one of these moments where I should say I have faith in humanity again but nope.....I still think humanity is lost but this was wholesome not gonna lie.

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