B) Get the paper to Eraserhead!

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I really didn't know what to do with these papers. After I took a nap, I had Hari come over with an envelopment which he basically forced me to take before he left my room. I knew what they wanted to tell me with all this. It was my choice if I would continue or leave it be. They basically gave me the choice for my life and also theirs in some kind of sense since I was affiliated with villains but at the same time a vigilante. Though I had to thank them soo much for everything. My mom was still not getting better and I was just standing there watching everything without being able to help. This, what I did, made me feel at least as if I could change a bit of this world. I never really had the chance before but right now, thanks to them, I did.

Once I had the envelopement in my hands, I decided to walk out of the house with it. Of course I didn't know when Eraserhead would get out of UA but I also didn't had too since there was a small caffee right across it where I had just decided to wait till I saw Eraserhead leave and then run after him.

At first I was trailing behind the man before he entered an alley and had a dagger around my neck as I past it.


I should have definitely seen this comming.

I mean... 

I am basically stalking him right now.

Me: Careful with that.

Eraserhead: A child?

It was only after I put my hood down from over my head that he took the dagger away and crossed his arms looking at me in a way, I couldn't read at all.

Eraserhead: Why are you on the street doing shit like that?

Me: Shit like that?

Eraserhead: Vigilante.

Me: Oh... well... long story but we don't have the time for this now.

Eraserhead: And why not?

Me: Here!

I basically forced the hero to take the envelopment from me just like Hari had forced it into my hands earlier this day. There was soo many things he wanted to know for sure but he was danerous for me. I was after all living with a villain who was in fact not villainous to me at all.

Eraserhead: What is this?

Me: Information about THAT group of villain... and they are after your class.

Eraserhead: How did you-

Me: I am not alone. I have a family, so don't worry about it.

Eraserhead: And they support all this?

Me: More than you can imagine.

Eraserhead: And that family is not considered to be Overhaul and the yakuza?

Me: Maybe but they are more than just being nice to me.

Eraserhead: You can't trust them.

Me: I can't trust you as well.

Eraserhead: .... *sigh*

Me: Take it or leave it. I will find someone else who is interested in the information.

Eraserhead: Thank you.

Me: Your welcome.

Eraserhead: Why did you save me back then?

Me: Hmmm.... because I owed it to you.

Eraserhead: Owed?

Me: Yes. You were the very first hero who cared for me.... or the very first person who cared for my injures besides my family.... so I felt like I had to do something.

Eraserhead: You could become a good hero.

Me: Don't joke around! A quirkless hero? No... people would never accept this and I would never get through the entrance exam... besides I like what I amd oing now and I am not breaking any law as well.

Eraserhead: They taught you well.... if there is anything you need... here... give me a call.

This was how the hero just gave me his personal card with his number on it. Did this really meant what I think it did? I was a bit bewildered seeing what I had just received and I think this hero was approving of me! Not only that but I had a feeling that he was also gonna be a great ally. Maybe it was fate to have met that day. I mean I was in fact really glad about everything. 

Still no one knew that I would end up this way. 

I myself never thought about it.

Eraserhead: Don't ever hesitate to call me if you are in danger.

Me: Mh.

Eraserhead: And stay out of it as much as you can.

With that the hero ruffled my hair and left me standing there at the corner while he continued walking away from me. 

Yeah... one thing was for sure.... this hero had just approved of me being a vigilante.

Who would have guessed that?

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