A) - Tell the truth

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So I was there not really knowing what to say at all until I just went for it. What could go wrong anyways? 

Me: Shit.

Mic: Huh?

I seemed to have made Mic and Eraserhead gasp but they also seem very confused. Was I not supposed to tell the truth or what was it? I mean it was obvious that I didn't feel right at all. Why should I lie and hide it too? They would for sure find out sooner or later and I had a guess that they already know about it.

Mic: That bad?

Me: Yes.

Eraserhead: Do your wings hurt?

Me: No.... but I feel like being chocked.

It seemed as if I made Mic speechless because he was just looking at me with big eyes when I dropped my smile and looked at them quite emotionless and dead. This whole sherade didn't felt right at all. I may or may not like to have a double faced mask on but not right now. I felt too tired for this and I was emotionless and soo done after I saw my mom earlier.

Eraserhead: Chocking? As in sadness?

Me: Sadness, anger, dissapointment, Guilt, grief, shame, frustration depression.... fear , hate and regret... just chose any of them.

All these emotions were were built up inside of me and all of them were negative as well. There was nothing positive around me at all. Plus to top it off, I was thinking about my mother who was actually dead and how I just saw her.

Eraserhead: We can work on it.

Me: No.. I don't think so.

Eraserhead: Don't worry about it let it all be our worries.

All of the sudden we could hear some crying sound and in the next moment I got hugged and had a crying Mic around my throat. He was hugging me tightly and I felt how he was shaking a bit. Was this a bit too much for him? Did I overdo it with being honest? Though was this not what they were actually thinking? What they wanted?

Me: Can you let go?

Mic: No *sob* You pooor *hic* poor thing *hic* How can you actually be this ...*sob* this...*hic* sad...

Eraserhead: We can work on this. We will solve this. Don't worry about it.

Me: What if it's too late?

Mic: Don't say stuff *hic* like that.

He was still hugging me and I could hear his heartbeat which was calming a lot and it made me cry too. I mean this man was hugging me and it was his honest emotions which touched me.

Me: I can't! *hic*

There it was. There was the truth. I couldn't go on anymore. This was too much. This feeling and everything was something I couldn't stand anymore and I needed help. I knew this but my own conscience told me that I was wrong. I was the bad guy, I deserved this!

Eraserhead: Just hold on. 

Mic: *hic* poor baby! *hic*

The crying intensified and me and Mic were now hugging each other while crying soo badly. It was really something else. Eraserhead was there as well and he had to join our hug before actually petting our heads and rubbing our backs.

Eraserhead: We will get through this together. Don't worry problem child... just trust us.

Me: ...I ... I....

Eraserhead: It's alright. Everything will be fine.

Mic: We will get through this *hic* together.

Eraserhead: Yeah that is right. We will do this together as a family.

This was heartwarming and it made me cry and when we all finished crying were just a sobbing mess, Eraserhead was the one who prepared some tissues and also some hot drinks for us too. He was there for me and for Mic who was even in a worse condition than me. I didn't even thought that I would find a family being like this. They were really concerned and I guess I was wrong thinking that they just adopted me for no reasons. Right now.. this instant, I felt this tiny bit of warmth in the pits of my stomach and it made me smile while I looked into the warm drink in my hand.

Mic: I promise we will get through this together.

Was now a good time to tell them about my mom? Or that I was about to go crazy?

Eraserhead: Problem Child, we are a family now. Your worries are also our worries and our happiness is our happiness as well as yours. You don't have to do anything you hate or don't like. Though you have to tell us since we can't read minds. So we won't know what you like or not.

Me: ....

Mic: No need to answer just know this.

The rest of the evening we spend just sitting there in silence and appreciating that the other one is here in the room with us. For me it felt nice being this included and not alone ever since my mom died so I really appreciated it.

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