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Everything was in a chaotic state in this home. It's funny how my room was all cleaned up and organised but when he was showing me around, the detectives room and the living room as well as the kitchen looked as if a bomb just hit it. For the kitchen it was dishes everywhere and the other rooms filled with paper. Of course the detective did immediately apologise for the mess and all but funny enough, it felt more like a home with this mess around than without it.

We were both taking it slow, I guess because the detective left to clean up the kitchen and I went back to my room. Dreamer on the other hand decided to lay on the floor right in the hallway where the front door is. Quite a good dog and cute as well but seriously why that place? Couldn't he go after Tsukauchi?

Not my problem to think about. Now that I was hope, I had different thoughts and one after another started to get louder and louder. They all were telling me to do the same thing. There was basically no difference at all.

Take the window!

Go to the bathroom!

Try to get out of here....

Try the kitchen! You can always fake an accident.

How about some electricity?

How about using the ceiling lamp to strange yourself?

A rope!

Now is the best chance!


He will see it coming... for sure....

I was just laying in the bed looking up and thinking. There were soo many ways to do it. I could try the window if it was unlocked and I could open it which I highly doubted. Still wouldn't actually stop me from trying at all. Why not after all? I could break it....

Then there was the bathroom which for sure had some cleaning utensils laying around as well as a mirror which I could smash! Not only that but if there is a shower, there is a shower head and I could use that to strange myself... or if there is a bathtub, I could try going for drowning. If I am lucky I will find some medicine in that room too and maybe I could end with a very peaceful death without any pain nor blood or anything.

If this was a no, then I could go for my ceiling lamp. It was hanging quite low and apparently it was just begging me to use it. Would be efficent if the power cable of the lamp could hold me.... then again maybe it will fall off the ceiling if I tried. Not a reason for me not to look for other power cables for sure. Just finidng one could help me end this fucking misery and let the poor detective be and continue his life without a defect like me.

There was also the chance that none of this was an option. Electricity could kill me quite fast and seeing as there were some power outlets in my room, I think the detective didn't think about that at all.

What should I do?

Would now even be a good?

He is busy in the kitchen but he could pop in every now and then....

They all think I am suicidal either way...

Who cares if I try going for it in a better way...

But the first day?

Would that be even wise?



I don't know....


I don't wanna be here.

I don't wanna breath....

Why do I even feel this empty?

Ah yeah... because I don't deserve to be here....

Laying in my bed was definitely not helping but what was even less helping was to turn my head and then look at things that my mom baught me as a present. There was this one figure of a rabbit made out of jade. She said it was as precious as me and that she found it and thought about me. Ever since then she had this small rabbit in our living room for a long time. It was just recent that she put it in my room with a plant that was sitting at that shelf with it.

I miss you mom....

Why did it had to turn out this way?

Why couldn't it have been me?

I should have been the one to die not you!

I should have been the one to suffer!


I can't!

I just can't!

This is ridiculous and a mistake.

I shouldn't even be here!


A) Try something in the bathroom

B) There is a window or something in the room ;)

The choice is Yours! (Interactive Story)Where stories live. Discover now