The other parent... he is a bit....well...

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I think I might have blacked out a bit too much because when I came to myself mentally, I heard some commotion going on. Eraserhead was not in the room with me too where he was with me just a moment ago. Alright, I might not be the best talking partner there is but I was definitely not ignoring him on purpose. My mind was just as bit off right now and it was just bothering how I felt and everything.

Sooner or later it was time to deal with it and I knew it too. Somehow I knew that the time would be around the corner since this chest tightening feeling was there and not going away. It was painful and yet at the same time it felt normal.

Mic: Ah is this our new son?

New son... did they had other sons before?

Why am I even questioning that?

Mic: Hello little listener. I am Present Mic but for you I am your new other dad Hizashi Yamada. Call me papa if you feel comfortable alright.


If we are talking about that then I wouldn't even be here.

I didn't wanted to be here in the first place.

If you all wouldn't be here, I would have died back there in the incident!

Why did they had to save me!

That was a huge mistake on their part!

Me: I am Izuku...Izuku Mid-

I wanted to say Midoriya but the moment I started talking, I felt my voice giving in as my throat was being chocked. Yeah this was the feeling I had all the time. This was how I wanted to cry and just die but I couldn't.

Mic: Can I call you Zuzu or Izu?

Why is he soo persistant?

Can't he just leave?

I don't like this....

Me: Sure.

Mic: Great! hmm... did Sho show you around the house yet?

Pretty huge house..... and no way to get out of here unnoticed as they do have soo much bandages laying around.... 

They are heroes... probably getting hurt a lot.

Though not good if they will notice if I go for it.

For a hot second my mind was wonderig off and I was thinking about trying to cut myself here in this house. The idea behind this was that maybe the pain would be more painfull and make me forget about how bad I was feeling. I hoped that it would work here in the house and that I could get away with it unnoticed but I needed to be careful for sure. They were heroes after all. Just some very light marks and I was done for. Just one hint and it would be over for me!

Me: Yeah...

Mic: Then he surely did show you, your new room too.

Me: Hm.

Mic: Do you like it?

He seemed happy for no reason. If it would be me, I would feel soo out of place since there was basically a strangers kid in my house and then you had to take care of said kid who even had problems. Yeah what a joke. That was certainly not the best thing a parent would want in their huose. 

Mic: I decorated it the moment Sho told me we would get a son. Oh you don't know how happy I am right now.

Oh yeah, I could definitelly see that but I would also break his happy feeling since I was not the best son to have. I was a sinner and I knew that this was not the place I belonged as well.

Me: It's nice...

I was lost. Seriously I was soo lost since I didn't care how the room looked like or anything and yet this hero insisted on talking about the room he decorated. It was kinda making me feel bad because I didn't appreciated it and I certainly would but not with how I was feeling and all.

Mic: I am glad you like it. If there is anything you want to change, I'll help you with it.

Eraserhead: Zashi, don't just attack the kid.

Mic: I am not attacking him.

Eraserhead: Are you sure?

Mic: ... oh my gosh, I am. Ahh I am soo sorry. My bubblyness sometimes goes with me. How are you little listener.

And here was the question, I didn't know how to answer at all. Should I say the truth? Should I lie? What was I supposed to do here? Did he expect me to tell him the truth or did he not care? I wish I knew how to act here.


A) Tell the truth!

B) Lie!

The choice is Yours! (Interactive Story)Where stories live. Discover now