Help... they really signed me up for this...

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Yesterday was really one hell of a roller coaster for sure. I didn't expected to be taken in this heart warmingly and I didn't expected them to accept me just how I was. There was no need to hide it anymore. I already knew that they were heroes. So of course I was not as dumb to actually thing that they were blind or that they would ignore it. Helping people was their job after all but still... I didn't expected this... or how do I say it....

I woke up in "my" room or a room I would like to call a room. It was cozy laying in the bed and enjoying everything. Surely this was a nice room and I didn't really care more than having one hell of a cozy bed which this room totally had. Now let's continue this or I would certainly start talking about this fluffy bed which even was soo nice that I thought I could join it and just be one with it.

Anyways, I got out after quite some time and decided to get to the kitchen area after I got ready a bit... and here was the problem. I went there and found a dog like human sitting with my new parents. They were talking together which was not weird but the introduction was and that me a bit jumpy and on edge.

Me: You are the school councler of UA?

Hound Dog: Yes and a pro-hero like your parents as well.

Mic: Best one you can get and trust me he won't tell anyone about the kids problems and all he says is he wants Dandelions or some kind of flower for each kid. 

Hound Dog: Look only because it is my hobby to match a flower to a kid doesn't mean anything at all.

Me: Huh?

Everything was a bit too sudden for me.

I mean I don't know about other people but I was not a morning person. It took me a bit time to actually get my brain rolling and think about things and it just soo happened to wake up from the slumber I enjoyed soo much.

Me: Wait wait wait!

Hound Dog: Morning kiddo.

Me: Morning......?

Aizawa: Want some breakfast?

Me: No thanks.

Hound Dog: Prepare the kid some tea, will ya.

Mic: And how do you know that he would go for tea instead of hot coca?

Hound Dog: He looks like a tea person or am I wrong?'

Me: No.. I would actually love some tea.

Mic: Tea it is.

Hound Dog: I am your parents work college and I am here to spend the time with you because they have to go out. 

Aizawa: Damn villains on the lose.

Mic: I could pass but they called me in after some damn villain put my radio stations first floor on fire and there was a bomb warning as well... *sigh* troubles I never had! Why are villains targeting my place!

Aizawa: We will deal with this.

Hound: And I will be having soo much fun spending my day with you.

I didn't know if I should like it or hate it right now at all. It sounded like a bad thing but then again he was a bit ... well weird. The dog thingy was actually calming and all I could think right now was if his fur was also soft like a dog ones.

Mic: Pfff- Will you let him pet you?

Hound Dog: Of course! But why don't you just ask yourself?

Me: Wouldn't it be rude?

Hound Dog: It's fine kiddo. Oh do you mind if I call you that way till I find the perfect flower for you?

Me: No....

Honestly, it was tempting and apparently I was actually really obvious with what I wanted. Still it was bothering me if I did it so I went passed him to get my tea which they put on the counter and then listened to their explaination again. Hound Dog was the school councer of UA and he was here to spend some time with me as they would certainly not leave me alone and the only other person they knew was Midnight and they were not thinking that I would be survive that or actually be able to deal with her at all. 

Oh well... who knows... something told me that I wouldn't be able to stand it being with this man together because he would try to fix my problems. 

They were mine and I mean it!

I knew it by now that they were problems but that doesn't make it better because my mind was just some fucked up place. It told me I was the reason my mom died. It told me I should have died and it told me that the feeling I had was wrong and I should feel guilty. So yeah... I was broken but at least after yesterday... I had realized that much.

My feelings were still the same.

I felt just bad and well not chockingly anymore but still bad. I still wanted to cry and I still wanted to just hide. The only difference right now was that I felt empty and more emotionless than sad. It was just pity for myself that I wanted to cry but other than that nothing. It was such a huge switch in matters of a night that I even was confused about what was going on. Was this normal? What was even normal?

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