B) Talk about the future (wanting to be a hero)

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You know, that honesty from this hero took me a bit by surprise. I really didn't expect him to tell me that at all. Somewhat it felt different. I don't know... I wanted to tell him a bit as well but I was not sure if I should do it. For one, I didn't really trusted nor knew this guy for long and yet here we were talking about things he would probably not share that easily. He was still doing it and I didn't know what to think about this. I mean... I kinda felt .... I... I don't even know. I could understand where he was coming from and why he felt like this and I could tell that he would understand me but this was just all too sudden for me.

Me: You think things will get better?

Tsukauchi: Why not?

Me: I don't know.... I don't even know what I want to do anymore.

Tsukauchi: Hmmm... then don't think about it.

Me: What?

Tsukauchi: You are still yound Izu. There is no need for you to break your mind about this.

With that he ruffled my hair and this was the moment I realised that he didn't expected me to say anything. The reason why he told me his story was to tell me that he knew exactly what I was going through. He wanted probably to make me feel more at ease and besides he was not asking me about how I wanted to try to kill myself just minutes earlier. This was just.... different, I guess.

Me: Then what should I do?

Tsukauchi: How about taking it slow for now and let life be as it is?

Me: You mean do nothing?

Tsukauchi: That is not what I said.

Me: Then what did you mean?

Tsukauchi: I meant for you to do things you like and just don't think about it.

Me: But what do I like?

I think that was a wrong question since he just looked at me for a second before starting to laugh. Yeah, this was probably a stupid question but I couldn't help and ask since I didn't really think about it much. It just slipped out of my mouth and it was not even a lie. I didn't know what I liked right now. Everything seemed just a waste of time and even if I would do something, I had a feeling that it would end up being something stupid.

Tsukauchi: Hmmm... how about comming with me to work tomorrow?

Me: You have to go to work?

Tsukauchi: No, I took some days off but I think you might like it there.

Me: Why?

Tsukauchi: You have a lot of hero figures.... you seem to like them but you know who are better than heroes?

Me: No?

Tsukauchi: Police officers. 

Me: Pfff-

Tsukauchi: I am not lying! It's true! It's way more intersting and entertaining then you think.

Me: Alright... then let's do that.

Tsukauchi: Say... do you want to become a hero or work in a hero agency?

Me: I wanted too.... but that would be impossible.

Tsukauchi: Quirkless thing huh.

Me: Yeah.... it was a stupid and ridiculous dream.

Tsukauchi: HEY! Don't say that. If you want to, I'll help you out. Of course it is up to you but I can give you a small push to get into UA if you want that.

Me: No thanks.

Tsukauchi: Alright, alright, but you know you can tell me everything.

Me: Thanks but I don't want to be a hero anymore.... they failed soo much. It would remind me of my mother too.... 

Tsukauchi: You don't have too. Just be who you wanna be.

Me: You think I can be like you?

Tsukauchi: Like me?

Me: yeah...

It was a small yeah but his story was kinda inspiring. I really didn't wanted to be a hero anymore. Then again, I know that my mother would want me to actually do something I like and I always wanted to help people and be a hero but now.... what was I supposed to do without a dream? Without a tallent? Without my mother?

I was lost!

I didn't know what was what and what I should do anymore.

Yet his story inspired me enough to think..... I mean Tsukauchi had a point here. He was nice and he is strong unlike me. Maybe, just maybe, if I would try to be a bit more like him... maybe I would become at least something.

Tsukauchi: Hmmm... but I don't think you can be like me.

Me: Oh...

It hurt hearing that but he was right.

Tsukauchi: You would be an even better detective than me.

Me: Huh?

Tsukauchi: I've seen your hero analysis and I have to say I am impressed. You may not have a quirk but your analytical skills are top notch. 

Me: Oh...

Tsukauchi: Don't oh me! I am not lying. I am really impressed with them. They are soo in-depth too. .... You know what?! I am carving some ice cream right now. What about you?

Me: Not really.

Tsukauchi did nodge me a bit and there was no saying no and I realised that. He definitely was different and for some reason he also encouraged me a bit more. Perhaps I could try do some more analyses for now. It would at least take my mind off and I would feel calm. They were the only thing I really enjoyed doing and he was right. I really needed a bit of time off from everything. My mind was in a chaotical state thanks everything what happened today too. 

I just needed time.

Only time would tell if I would still continue with my prior plans or change them.

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