A) Eraserhead finds him

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I really think someone hates me!

Roughly about 15 minutes after I did this and layed back down without a worry, the door was opened and next thing I know there was screaming going on. I was a bit too tired to open up my eyes but I could definitely hear the screaming around me. Someone even picked me up, rushing out of the room to a different one. Well that is what I knew that was going on from the sounds and from the touch. Add about 30 minutes to all this and I was sitting awake looking at a brand new yellow ceiling with some clouds painted over it.

Well fuck...

Where the heck did I land now?

Me: *sigh*

Can't believe that someone came in...

Oh yeah come to think about it, the persons voice was kinda familiar... but who was that?

My mind was still wondering and thinking about the voice when a face popped up in front of me. It was this homless hero who was looing at me. He seemed mad and angry at me for no good damn reasons too.

Eraserhead: Never do this again.

Me: And who are you to tell me what to do?

I couldn't help but answer like this.

Eraserhead: A hero.

Me: But not my father.

Eraserhead: But the friend form your adoptive father.

Me: So you are the friend of that detective?

Eraserhead: Yes.

Me: And? Why should I care only because of that?

Eraserhead: Kid, we all want to help you.

Me: You can take the help and leave the room with it. I never ased for it anyways.

Eraserhead: *sigh*... why did you even do it?

Me: Why do you care?

Eraserhead: Fine, then don't talk to me about it.

Me: Hmpf!

I don't really know what was going on but the moment I saw this man and heard his voice, I got insatntly angry. Fury was the only emotion that I felt at this moment. Not only was I angry at Eraserhead but myself too. How could I have been this stupid and done something this.... this.... next time I need to think a bit more about how I should end it. Being in a hospital was definitely not helping.

The incident jogged my mind and I started thinking about what I had done. I was not sad that I didn't end my life or that someone saved me but I was angry that I didn't think about this whole thing earlier. My mind was now starting to think in a rational way. Unlike earlier, I was not lead by my emotions anymore. It was gone. The heavy feeling I felt earlier, gone, the anger, gone. I felt empty now and this was bothering me as well.

I believe that my mind took over at this point and besides that I already decided to end it so no one was about to stop me. How dare they do it after all! This was my decision to make.

Eraserhead: *sigh* Tsukauchi will be here in a moment.

Me: Why are you even here?

Eraserhead: I wanted to see how you are making... and Tsukauchi asked me to be with you for the day since he couldn't.

Me: Why would he do that?

Eraserhead: He cares for you.

Me: Mhm...

Yeah as if I will believe that.


I am quirkless.

No one ever cared for me besides my mother....

She was the only one I could trust and the only person that made me want to change myself and be positive.

Eraserhead: You don't have to believe me.

Me: I don't.

Eraserhead: You will find out for yourself anyways.

Me: What is that supposed to mean.

Eraserhead: It means that actions do speak more than words. I always believed in that and I know my friend. 

Me: ....

There was nothing to say against this but would I trust in the words of this hero? Certainly not! I would see it for myself, yes but that didn't mean that I would start to actually trust anyone in here. They all were at fault for my mothers death. None of them saved my mother. They all failed!

Once again I could feel the anger strive within in me but I already knew that it was not their decision to save me. Neither Eraserhead nor the police officer were probably at the scene so I shouldn't be angry at them for something they had no power over. Still it didn't help knowing this all. 

Eraserhead: You should rest more...

Me: Yeah....

It was really a good idea... I did feel tired and I knew they were giving me some IV or blood infusions.... I don't know nor did I care about it. For now, I knew that talking to this hero was useless and I was also not about to change his mind to leave me alone. He wouldn't do that even if I would ask him to do that. He was after all a hero.

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