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A/N: I fucking love this picture XD It makes me smile soo much! What a petty happy cat I wanna cuddle it and hope it won't murder me. Why does it seem as if the cat is saying "I dare you... try me.. come on... I warned you... come on! I am waiting now! Where is your confidence come at me!" but at the same time it looks as if it is plotting something and trying so hard not to reveal it. :) I fucking love it!

I really stayed inside for a couple of more minutes but something felt wrong. My heart was beating way to fast and I should have felt releaved that everyone just split up but for some reason, I felt as if I was stuck in a corner and about to die. My heart was beating so hard, I thought it was gonna jump out of my chest and the next problem was the cold shiver I felt down my spine. 

Oh how I knew this feeling.

This was bad and as much as I knew it, I prayed for it not be true. 

My heart fell down to the bottom and I felt my face and overal skin color getting as white as a sheet. 

Yes I knew it.

I knew this feeling.

I was dead meat.

It was the feeling whenever Bakugo was about to find me and beat me up. It was that feeling of not being able to run no matter what I would do or fight back. It was also the same feeling that made me freeze in track.



Some very light steps could be heard and I saw the plastic of the bin start to light up a bit. The next thing I know, I felt the head and covered myself in green flames for a couple of second. This was an instinctively move my body did to try and save my life. 

For anyone who was asking themselves what happened just now... Let me enlight it for you.

While I was hiding inside the bin, Bakugo somehow suspected it and made everyone move so he could be there. He faced it. It was my very own problem for staying inside or hiding here instead of coming out and obey what he just said. It may be his hunch, a feeling or it may just be pure dumb luck, whatever it was, he found me.

Maybe he was just angry and decided to blow some stuff but it was more realistically that he could sense me or I left some kind of hint which he picked up.

Anyways, he decided to blow up the bin and put his hand on the plastic wall. that was the glow that I saw and that was also why I felt so bad. Let's say I developed some fine senses and knew exactly when I was in dager. I could just consider myself lucky that my quirk reacted in time or who knows what would have happened of me.

Bakugo: There you are fucking dirty rat!

Me: I-

Bakugo: Did you really think you can hide from me, huh Deku?! 

While we were really close, Bakugo decided to come closer. After he blew up that one wall, garbage flew everywhere and of course landed on him as well where my flames did burn everything on me. So let's say I was not as much the dirty rat as he was about right now.

Me: Sor-

I wanted to apologise and beg for forgiveness in hope for this Dandelion to let go of me but I already knew the reality. In fact Bakugo was not one to let me go that easily. This was how he simply grabbed my collar and pulled me out before throwing me to the ground. In the next instance I felt kicks which threw me back to the wall bit by bit until my back hit the wall. Each kick was definitely harder than the last one but I was kinda happy that he was not using his quirk on me, burning my clothes today. I wouldn't know how to explain it to my mother at all.

Still the fact remain that I was smelling pretty badly.

???: I think this is enough Katsuki.

???: He caught up blood on my shoe, ewww!

Bakugo: Leave him be.

That was what he said but one remained and kicked me until I felt like passing out.

???: YO! We will be late, come on! You heard Katsuki before.

I don't remember when Bakugo let or when everyone left besides this person beating me and the other one standing by the road. Who knows how long they were beating me up and honestly, I didn't even feel the pain anymore. I couldn't even feel the time that passed at all which was a bad sign anyways. 

When they left, I was just glad I was alive and didn't had any visible scars or burns or wounds.... at least they were not visible everything else would be fine. I was used to the pain anyways.

I should get to school now as well.


Why did he find me?

How did he even managed that?

By my luck it was just something I missed.

He isn't dumb...

Did I made a noise?

Was my heart beating to hard?

Or was it my breathing...

Ah shit!

Slowly but surely, I pulled myself up, forcing my tired body to stand up and lean against the wall for help. The moment I was up on my feet, I felt something coming up my throat and before I knew it, I started throwing up blood. At least I was still standing and contious. That was not a given because there were times I would wake up hours later but that was a problem for another day when that would happen once again.

I better start going to school now.

I am for sure late...

Damn it...

Can today not just be... I don't know...MORE NORMAL?!


Well screw you too life!

I love you soooo much as well!

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