B) Avoid the topic

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Was there really a good way of telling him that I wanted to become a hero? I don't think so at all. I really didn't think that he would take it well. This man was the only man who cared for me and my soo much and was helping us out. Despite us not being related nor knowing each other a lot at all.

Me: Do you think I can go to any school I want?

I tried to be as smooth not to touch the topic of UA or a specific school at all here. Of course there was no way that I wouldn't be able to actually go without actually telling them sooner or later but before I didn't had a plan B, I would surely NOT tell them about it at all.

Hari: Of course, why not?

Me: I don't really have the best grades.

Kai: The year is still not over or do you perhapse not like your school?

Me: I do!

Yeah... I think I lost there since I shot out with the answer immediately as if I was worried about something. It was somehow a reflex already to deny everything that has to do with my school. Aldera was just a bad school and if I could, I would rather stay at home.

Hari: Yeah.... kid, we are not buying that... your mother doesn't seem like the one who is hitting you nor does she have a quirk that can burn you.

Uhhh... ohhh... so they knew. No wonders really since there was literally a healer who was doing all the job being the doctor here and was looking over me. There were scars on my body that this man managed to heal and they were burned skin marks... of course they were from Bakugo as well as some well.... marks of open wounds that haven't healed very well. I am just gonna say that Bakugo is not giving me a break when it came to actually reminding me of how useless and weak I was.

Me: .... no comment.

Kai: You are not getting back at Aldera then.

Me: Huh?

Kai: I can get you to be homeschooled for now.

Me: For now?

Kai: Yes until you enter your new school. A new school is a new chance. Now where did you wanted to go?

Me: ... I don't really have a plan.

Hari: You sure?

Me: Yeah, why? 

Hari: Because everyone wants to be something in their life.

Me:  Well everyone is not quirkless.

Kai: .... I don't like where this is going. You are hiding something, are you not?

Me: Why should I?

Kai: Because you are talking about being quirkless yet, I saw nothing about that while you are here for the last couple of days. 

Me: Huh?

Hari: He is right. You don't think you are weak, right?

Me: No. Of course not. Why should I be weak.

Hari: Because quirkless children usually think that.

Me: And? I am not like them then. I am me.

Kai: Yes and that is why you are not being honest right now.

Hari: Look Beany, we know a lot of types of people and you don't seem like the type of guy who would start avoiding the topic though this was a nice try.

Me: How am I avoiding the topic?

Hari: We are talking about future plans and you go about school and we ended up talking about Aldera.... don't you think this will make us think that you are hiding something? Better expose something else than to actually go clean with a situation. A lot of our man do this.

Me: Oh.....

Kai: Which is why I will ask again. Any plans for the future.

Me: .....

Kai: You don't have to be afraid from us.

Me: I am not afraid.

Hari: If not that, what else?

Me: I just think it is a bad choice by now.

Hari: Huh?

Kai: There is no bad choices.

Me: I wanted to be a hero....

Kai: A hero?

Hari: Wow.... quite the boring dream.

Kai: HARI!

Hari: What? All the kids nowadays always want to be a hero where it is much more exiting to be the villain or a vigilante.

Me: A vigilante?

Kai: Enough Hari.

Hari: Well yeah, a person who has a normal job and acts like a hero while being basically... in a gray zone between hero and villain. They do break the law sometimes... but hey, heroes are no better by bending it.

Me: Sounds interesting... tell me more!

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