-Villain route!

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When I came to myself, I found myself in a hospital. Normally I should be sad about the loss that I just experienced or I should be scared of what would happen next but that was simply not how I felt. It was also not a positive feeling since I didn't felt happy at all. The only thing left inside of me right now was RAGE! I wanted that person who hit us to pay for what he had done. My mom was the best woman in my life! She was the one who had always stopped me and she was my hope. If you must, you can also call her my hero. She was the one who was the nicest person in the world to me. The only reason why I was who I was and not got on the wrong path till now.

Somehow it felt like a switch inside of me that was just flipped. Anger spread though my body the more I started thinking about what happened. I didn't even really realise when my quirk activated but it kinda did. 

Flames were around my wings and it may not be the best thing as I was still laying down in the bed. Soon all the falmes started to move around me. I felt like my quirk changed a bit but I didn't cared at all. The flames were now all around me and the whole bed was burning. Of course the fire alarm went off as I was laying down there looking at the ceiling and just felt angry. 

Why did she had to die?


She was the best person on this world!

Who was it?!


I think I may have layed here a bit too long because some people came rushing into the room and under these people, I saw Eraserhead. He came in running with an fire extinguisher in his hands. Though, he was not the only person who came running into the room with a fire extinguisher. Two Nurses came as well and they all tried to get the fire out. Too bad for them that my flames were not that easy to put down and not even water could stop it. All it did was smoking up the whole room. No one could see anything anymore.

Eraserhead: KID! CALM DOWN!

Nurse: Everything is fine! If you are hurt, we can deal with this.

Nurse 2: I know it hurts. Let us help you.


You all don't know how much it hurts!

It hurts soo much that I want REVENGE!

That man needs to suffer for what HE did.

Of course I didn't know who the driver was but I was sure I could just find out on myself. Not as if it was hard to find out at all. BUT first be first. I had to get out of this room. No matter how nice I would be, I would certainly not stand the heroes at all. The only reason why I didn't attack the people in this room right here and right now was because they had for sure saved me and it was only thanks to them that I was still alive.

I will not forget this!

Thank you all for saving my life... but I have something to finish!

I got out of the bed and left it burning as I folded my wings behind me and started running towards the window. Oh nothing was stopping me now. The sheer willpower in my blood and in my veins got me to run to the window instead the door and just like that I leaved out with my wings still producing the hot flame which melted the glas. There was no shatering of glas, no sound at all as I leaped out of the window and opened my wings.

If I didn't know how to fly before... I somehow knew how now. It just came naturally to me for some reasons. Maybe the hit changed something in me but all of the sudden I started soaring up in the sky. Perhapse it was me who changed or it was my quirk. I could at least tell that my flames became a lot hotter than before. 

Me: Just wait for me... I will be your nightmare!

With that I finally let myself drop down to the floor and picked up some speed on my way down too. I may not know how to navigate correctly but it was enough to get me to the nearest police station. I had an open bill and I would certainly not stop right now.


A) Ask nicely for the start!

B) Make the place your own

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