2 - Quirk Izuku!

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Izuku's POV unless said otherwise from here on out!

I was hospitalized from the moment my dad brought me to the hospital till a few moments ago. The reason for that was the wings that were growing at my back. Tho I couldn't call them wings since all they are... are just some pair of harden bones. I didn't quite now what they were but they were sharp and the bones structure was black as well as more like metal. 

No doctor could tell what they were from but they were sturdy and wouldn't break easily that much was for sure.

No doctor could tell what they were from but they were sturdy and wouldn't break easily that much was for sure

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Me: Mom... where is dad?

I might have been in the hospital for last 3 months but all I ever saw was my mom coming over. Her eyes were puffy each and every time she would visit and I could tell by the dark circles around her eyes that she wasn't getting enough sleep. I might be really really young but I knew by instincts that something was wrong and that my mom was trying her best to foul me.

Mom: He... well he decided to fly to a very very distance country.

Me: Why?

Mom: Because he would get more money there.

Me: ... but doesn't daddy love us anymore?

Mom: He does... he just... he is doing this for us honey.

Me: Really?

Mom: Yes. 

Me: But won't mommy be lonely?

Mom: How can I be lonely when I have you?!

With that she picked me up and we went back home. Honestly I had no idea what she was saying about but I knew that she meant that dad was now gone. Little did I know what that meant for us as a family all in all.

Me: Mom, where are we going?

Mom: To our new home.

Me: Why a new one?

Mom: Because mommy got a new job.

Me: Why? 

Mom: Well... Mommy just likes a change.

Me: Okay.

I didn't knew the way to our house but just by looking where we were going, I knew this wasn't a good district or a place to live. The streets soon started to look more gloomy as we were walking towards our new home. The walls were filled with some strange pictures and writing. Less and less people were on the streets as well.

Finally after some time we finally arrived at the house and made our way up to the fourth story where my mom unlocked the door. It smelled horribly in the whole building but when we walked inside the small appartment I couldn't apprehend what was going on. It was a lot smaller than our previous one.

Me: It's sooo small.

Mom: But cozy and filled with love Izu.

She brought me to my room which was also a lot smaller and I could see all my stuff being there and all but it felt just wrong being here. I didn't quite liked it but I could see how tired my mom was.

Me: Mom, I wanna sleep.

Mom: Alright. 

Me: Mommy join me!

Mom: Izu, honey, mommy has a job she has to go to in 3 hours. 

Me: But mommy looks tired.

Mom: Hmm alright but just a bit.

This was how my mom laid beside me and soon after we were like this, I managed to fall asleep. 

Ever after that day, my mom would constantly work and rarely be at home. This small and cozy as well as loving home felt more and more empty to me than anything else. I also soon find out what was wrong with my quirk since everyone called me monster.

My wings looked soo bad that they would say I was a villain. I was born one but my wings were not all there was to my quirk at all. It was hard to controll my quirk but I could create green feathers out of flames and controll them at my will as well. However all they could do was burn and fly the way I wanted. It was a small mixture of my mothers and my fathers quirk. Still I hated seeing the flames with each passing day since they reminded me of the hardship my mother was forced to face the moment my father left us.

With that, everyone only knew about my sharp wings and started picking on me for being such a usless child with an even more useless quirk. Tho it wasn't true! I only never cared to correct them at all.

Still years started to pass as the seasons came and go and nothing really changed much at all. This was how I got to my final year of aldera high school. My life was just boringly filled with laughter, bully and sometimes suicide baiting since they say I was just someone who run away from the grim reaper itself... an death angel and a sould which shouldn't have been born.

No matter what they said, I tried my best to stay stron.

I tried my best to ignore the words.

And I tried my best to act cheery like my mother wanted me to do be.

However everything had a start and an end as well... the question was how long could I keep acting like nothing happened and how long would I actually decide to stay like this for?

The answere was written in the stars....

Tho I would ask myself that over and over again each and every day.

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