A) Shigaraki will deny everything.

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Funny how it took a couple of minutes for this guy to react. My proposal was fair and it was definitely not insane. What was insane was for him to charge into who knows what a situation with who knows what people to turn who knows what is going on into a war zone! That was not a plan, that was suicide for sure!

Shigaraki: Your point?

Me: What do you mean my point?

Shigaraki: I don't see why that is making you a leader.

Me: You... you don't see the point....

Shigaraki: No! I am the leader! If you have some ideas, then go on but that doesn't make you the boss here!

I heard that and something snapped in me. I don't know what it was but he sounded almost like Kacchan and it pissed me off so much that I slapped the dude. It was one hard bitch slap which made him kiss the floor and look up to me. Maybe not the right thing to do but oh well... what is done is done. 

Once I slapped the guy, I grabbed him by his shirt, pulled him up and then used my feathers to get him even more up into the air since I was pretty short. When that was done, I looked at him again and then only laughed. I really don't know what came over me but I couldn't stom laughing at all. I mean... just a couple of months, no.. days ago, I was in Aldera and getting bullied and now .... just look at me now!

 Me: It seems as if you don't understand the situation.

My opponent just gulped and looked at me with hatred. I would too if I was in his shoes but not for long for sure.

Me: All for One got me here to get you idiots checked in place. You think I would be here dealing with all of you with such a dangerous quirk? You think you are the only one who can pulverise stuff?

While he was still in midair, I decided to use my flames to put the next table where some knives were laying on it to ashes. It took me seconds to do that and it took this idiot seconds to realize whith who he was messing with. 

Me: Now you wanna end up like that or you gonna shut your shitty mouth up and stop fucking around with me?

A nod was all I got in the end but it was definitely a beginning. I mean, I probably just scared the shit out of this idiot but that was nothing new. He was the one who had to challange me and to be fair, I didn't wanted to actually fight him as he is someone I would use later on. Each one of the people in this group were nothing more than just random people, pawns I could sacrifice and use for now.

Me: Good. Now that we have settled this, any questions?

Shigaraki: Why?

Me: Why what?

Shigaraki: Why did you become a villain? 

Me: My mom died in an accident... the heroes didn't safe her but only me...

Shigaraki: I see... they failed.

Me: You?

Shigaraki: My mother was All Mights mentor and she was more obsessed with training him... I don't remember much anymore but I do know that she died because of him.

Me: Is this why you go after him?

Shigraraki: Yes.

Me: We'll get him. Trust me, one day I will get a nice trap for him but till then, I need everyone in the team to listen to my words.

Shigaraki; ... 

Me: Let's get out of here, this is way to closed up.

Finally after we were now done with out nice little friendly talk, we found Toga and Bakugo and that man was bleeding and cursing. Seems like this Pomeranian needed a lot more training. That made me walk over to him and take the knife from Toga's hand without a word. She didn't complain but was watching as I crouched down in front of my Kacchan, made him look up to me with the tip of the knife, forcing his kin up.

Me: What did we say about cursing?

I was still smiling and talking very sweetly and the thing is, I could see that he was afraid but not scared enough. He knew what was about to come but he was still resisting.

As I closed my eyes smiling at him very sweetly, I thrusted the knife into his chest. This knife was serrated. Stabbing was not the issure but moving it to the side a bit and then pullig it out was. Of curse I knew that I would kill him so I stabbed him again at the same spot while I didn't pulled the knife out completly.

Me: I sure hope you will continue to resist Kacchan. 

With that, I stood up and started walking out leaving toga and Shigaraki speechless.

Me: Toga, get another knife and leave this one in. No pulling out. Kurogiri will bring it back to you.

My famous last words while I finally made it to the door which would lead us up to the bar area. Who knows, this might actually be more entertaining than I had thought.

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