A) Ask nicely for the start!

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Now now... there were a couple of ways this would go down for sure. One was just me entering the building and don't giving a shit or me actually giving a shit and go ask for everything. The later was quite unrealistic but I still felt like giving the police officers a chance. So I made my way to the nearest police station while wearing this nightgown that one has in hospitals. I didn't really mind it but I was sure I would not stick walking around like that. For now it was just fine but definitely not something I was prefering for the long run.

I wonder how I should ask them about this... 

Should I go hi, and I am looking for informations?

Is this too nice?

Maybe I should ask about the incident right away.... 

Should I call for someone like a detective or should I just threaten?


I don't know at all!

While I was debating how to go around dealing with stuff, I found myself landing in front of the police station. It really didn't seemed that crowded inside but the thing that bothered me was how lazy the police officers looked like. I ented the building and the first thing I saw was quite the chubby police officer sitting there munching on his donut.


Me: I am looking for someone.

Officer: Sure, the hospital is around the corner, you shou-

Me: I am looking for a person.

Officer: I will call an ambulance right away if that is so.


I send one of my burning feathers towards the donut and pinned it to the wall. I was sure I had the officers attention about now for sure. First he was just talking and not listening but now he sure was. His eyes were wide open and who knows what would happen next but I at least tried talking for sure.

Officer: Calm-

Me: I am calm and you better listen or you will be next.

Officer: *gulp*

Me: There was an incident with a car where a woman died, do you have access to these kind of reports?

Officers: Yes.

Me: Pick it up and print me everything there is to know about the driver.

Officer: I can't-

Me: What was that?

I send a couple more feathers out and made him shut up immediately. However it seemed as if there was a silent alarm button right beneath the desk which I hadn't seen. The only reason I knew about it was because all the officers who came in charging into the room. To their bad, I was not in the mood for it and set one by one on fire. My flames were deadly and they were just listening to me and me alone. Nothing could get them off their backs too.


I thought I would feel more... sad... and actually bad... why do I not feel anything when I see these people burn?


but also oddly satisfying to watch...

Their screams was quite something but I wanted informations so I turned to the man who had all the information once again. He seemed nervous but didn't move at all.

Me: Do you need a written invitation or something?

Officer: I am sor-



Are they seriously shooting at me?!

The first shot missed me but it made me look towards who started all this just to see some more people run into the front entrance. All of them were police officers and I just had it at this point. Like for real! This was just a bad joke! I came in, asked nicely and all I was met with was a chubby person not helping at all. So in the end, I knew that there was just one answer to every single problem here.

Me: Today is really not my day....

I looked at them for a second before sending out all my firy feathers at them. They may not be able to cut but they were able to burn people down and of course also melt metal. In this case I send it to block off the gun and make it way too hot to be able to be held. Next thing I did was moving over to one of the burning officers and just grab his gun. I mean I never used a gun before but hey, I could for sure land some lucky shots for sure.

Which was how I started to shoot without aiming at some police officers....out of I don't know how many, I managed to hit around 3 and then jsut let my feathers do the work for me before wealking back to the front desk.

Me: Want me to ask you again?

Officer: N....No... here are all the information Sir.

Me: Thanks now where is the changing room?

Officer: Pardon?

Me: Cloths! Do you have cloths?!

Officer: Ah! This way!

Just like that, I had this officer guide me to the locker rooms where I could just pick any kind of locker, break it open see if things would fit me and just take what I needed before I would kill this fatty and then left everything in quite the chaos. Oh I also got some new weapons as well. I may not know how to use a gun but it was always good to have one fully loaded with me for sure.

Me: Thanks for nothing... and see you in hell!

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