Meet the LOV

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There was one thing I really hated and that was to actually be surrounded by idiots. I was calling them idiots already and who knows why I was actually calling them idiots. It just sounded right. I mean I was definitely right in this situation. No one could tell me otherwise!

Kurogiri: These are the other LOV members.

I was right in front of them all and I knew that I was soo not gonna let anyone order me around for sure. They don't seem like the Intelligent kind of types at all but I was definitely quick to judge here. 

Kurogiri: This is Shigaraki, the current leader of the LO-

He couldn't even finish the V in the LOV before I was actually pinning the guy against the floor with my own feathers. It was a fast reaction and maybe not the best one I had but I kinda felt the need to show them who is responsible for the LOV now. It was certainly not him and the new leader would be me for sure.

Kurogiri: Could you let him go?

Me: It won't burn him down... now continue the introduction.

Kurogiri: This is Toga.

Toga: Hey, what's your name? Do you like blood?

Me: Izuku. I am Izuku Midoriya and you know what is better than blood?

Toga: No?

Me: The sound of breaking bones.

It seems like I have silenced the girl as she was now giggling and seemed to be in her very own world.

Kurogiri: This is Dabi.

Me: A Todoroki?

For me it was obvious since I did see Touya Todoroki's posts of early ages and he just looked exactly like the guy. Plus the blue flames around his hands were quite the giveaway too.

Dabi: What do you know?

Me: More than you think and I know that Endeavor is an idiot. How about we get him down first? I want to see fire burn down.

Dabi: I like you....

Next we moved to someone who looked like a lizard.

Kurogiri: This is Spinner and right next to him Compress.

Me: Pleasure to meet you two.

Spinner: Is he our new leader?

Compress: I would say soo.


My feather was still pinning him down but it was definitely funny to see him scream and then once again shut up because of my highly flammable and hot feathers. He was underestimating me by a lot for sure.

Kurogiri: Where is Twice?

Spinner: In his room, he said he was feeling la.

Kurogiri: La?

Compress: Under the weather.

Me: I see so I will meet him later whenever he feels better.

Compress: It seems like we have a new leader....

Spinner: I like this one more. At least we can reason now.

Compress: Agree.


I really didn't liked how he was talking to me, so I decided to make my feathes unpin him and then start pulling him towards the back and the basement. Bakugo was there and he for sure was also deserving to see what happened to the Dandelion before saying no to my leadership. This huge baby should have know the moment I got in and pinned the leader down, that there was no such leader in this building now.

Me: Will you all excuse me for a bit.

Toga: Can I help?

Me: Yes in fact there is a puppy in the basement which was really bad, go check up on him and if he curses, stab him. However only if he curses. If I see you hurt him for no reasons, I will punish you.

Toga: Okay.

Dabi: What puppy, do you mean that spicy spiked haired kid?

Me: Yes, I mean Kacchan with this.

Dabi: .... know him personally?

Me: Very much.

I didn't really wanted to stay up here more than I had to and decided to go after Shigaraki. After all I had to have a talk with him and thankfully the basement was quite big and quite a good place for such talks. Plus the basement of this old building had brick walls and that was helping a bit with fire and in case I was about to actually explode and take everyone down.... it would remind of the reality for sure. Old buildings just had their charm.

Me: Let's have a propper talk now.

Not as if this gonna end any differently then me making you give me the leader position.... in one way or another.

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