A) Try something in the bathroom

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There wasn't much to do in this room and I didn't really wanted to break anything too. First was the window, second was the ceiling lamp and third was just a random iteem that could be sharp when I would break it... all of them have one flaw. It would actually make such a loud noise that I wanted to give up immediately. There was just more than this for sure. I knew there had to be a way and no matter how hard I was thinking about ding it in this room, I was kinda lost. Too many ideas popped up in my head but all of them invovled doing something that would make a loud noise.

So I decided to go with the bathroom. 

However before I could go to the bathroom, I went to the kitchen and looked at Tsukauchi before calling out to him.

Me: Tsukauchi?

Tsukauchi: Yes? What's up Izuku?

Me: I was wondering if I could take a bath?

Tsukauchi: Sure. 

Me: Can I use your shampoo?

Tsukauchi: Yes, of course.

Me: ....

Tsukauchi: Give me a second. 

He put away some kitchen supplies before turning around and then leading me to the bathroom. I knew where it was but not where all the other things were. So once we were inside, he kinda opened something above the door, and took out some towels. Next he went behind the door, where he had another shelve covered with a towel and took some shampoo and gave it all to me. Now all I needed were my clothes but I would have some in my room.

Tsukauchi: You can leave them out visible. I am just putting them away because of Dreamer... he likes to grab them and squeeze them.... just make sure to close the door once you are done.

Me: Oh, I'll put them back then.

Tsukauchi: What you like more.

Me: Thanks.

This man then left me alone and I hushed over to my room to grab some clothes and get to the bathroom. Now this was all an excuse because I left the water go and decided to look around what I would find. There was no razor, no pills, no cleaning utensils, just some friendly shampoo and toothbrush and some skin products as well as towels. Well this much to actually find something to hurt myself, or finally poison myself.

The next problem was the bathtube which was a shower... I thought I could drown there but the shower was not a fit place. I could understand why he had a shower but I definitely thought he had a bathtube before this. Oh was I wrong. 

Me: Well fuck....

I did let the water run but more than this was not in this. Now I really had to break the mirror and as I was standing in front of it, I was leaning against the sink.

My eyes were such a deep shade of green, that I couldn't even recognise myself but they looked like my mothers and that made me remember one thing....

I was the reason she was dead.

My very own existance was the reason for her suffering.

I should have died a long long time ago.

I was just useless.

I was just a waste of space and a bastards.

It made me honestly feel soo angry that I couldn't hold it anymore and finally punched the mirror. Needless to say that it shattered and it mad such a loud noise as well. I was just glad that the water was killing some noises but definitely not enough as I could hear Dreamer barking.

Tsukauchi: Everything alright in there?

Me: Yeah, I just slipped....

Tsukauchi: Slipped?

Me: Yeah.....

Tsukauchi: Kid, my quirk is to know when someone lies. 

Me: ....

Tsukauchi: So what happened, really?

Me: I....

I don't know what I was doing. Honestly I was desperate at this moment but I couldn't have it within me to lie to the detetctive more.  I didn't wanted to be a burden at all.

Me: I am sorry.

It was all I could say for now while closing the water and then walking to the door, opening it and looking at him. I was not wet, I didn't shover yet...

Tsukauchi: Are you alright?

Me: .....

Tsukauchi looked at me as I was looking to the ground and then past me to see the mirror. He didn't seem surprised at all. In fact I thought he would scream at me but all he did was wrap an arm around me and leading me away from there to the living room where he sat down with me. Somehow, this silence was quite welcoming. I didn't wanted to answer nor explain myself anyways and it seems that he didn't wanted to pressure me either. Whatever the case was, this was not that bad as I thought. It could have been worse and I imagined him starting to scream at me instead of this calmness.

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