Look dipshit!

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I don't really know what I expected when I went down where Bakugo was and even past him. There was one room I saw earlier that existed in the corner. It seemed to be for all their weapons and shit and there was a bed which I didn't know of before. Now thinking about it, this looked more like a hospital bed. That meant this was their way of having a sick area or infirmary. 

Shigaraki: Now what pipsquik?

Me: Pip-what?

Shigaraki: You heard me shorty.

Me: I am short but I am not dumb.

Shigaraki: Sure but you can't just come in here and think everyone will do what you say.

Me: I know that mister I have a big ego.

Shigaraki: What was that?

Me: You heard me right.

Shigaraki: Oh as if you were a lot better than me!

Me: I am at least not that dumb.

Shigaraki: Dumb?

Me: What did you do till now?

Shigaraki: I recruited all the people there!

Me: For what?

Shigaraki: We will take down All Might and turn this goddamn society upside down!

Me: Aha and how you think you gonna do that?

Shigaraki: We will have an army and a nomu.

Me: Nomu?

Shigaraki: Oh you mister knowing everything seem not so knowing now.

Me: Listen! I know a lot and I know that there won't be an army and if there is how are you gonna manage them because they sure ain't gonna manage itself.

Shigaraki: What is that supposed to mean?

Me: What it mneans is that if you recruit a lot of people, who is gonna be the big bost and who doesn't say that there won't be smaller groups forming, huh? What I am saying is that it will be chaos and they will listen a shit to you thickhead.

Shigaraki: Oh and they will listen to you?

Me: No, I am not dealing with that many people! Besides that is a shit idea! What did you want to do with that many people? Throw them in a room with All Might and then see what happen?

Shigaraki: While he is teaching UA students. Yes.

Me: I tell you something better and if the idea is good, how about letting me deal with all the planning and shit?

Shigaraki: Deal though I doubt that you know anything better!

Me: Alright!

I had some ideas and if it was All Might we were talking about then I knew a couple of his weak spots. They were quite obvious but the thing is... most villains never touch All Might for a good reason. That man is the symbol of peace. If he falls, everything will fall. So I was also not so keen on getting the man down. Of course I was prepared to do that but I at least wanted there to be a next number one. Something that would keep everything in check and let us do our work.

Oh would you look at that!

As it soo comes, I had the perfect pawn in my hand. There was no way Bakugo wouldn't be helpful.... BUT! I had to train him first like a good good dog.

Me: What about we deal with All Might and have him replaced with a new number one that we control.

Shigaraki: And what does that do?

Me: We would have all the controll behind everything. That means we can get away with whatever we want.

Shigaraki: And that would be soo good huh.

Me: You don't understand! If we have an insider we will know about everything and everything will be easier for us. Planning, backing us up, getting someone out of a situation and so on. Why can't you understand that?

Shigaraki: Because I don't need that shit.

Me: You don't but this society does!

Shigaraki: And you care soo much about the society why?

Me: I don't! But I want to be a villain and without heroes or a system there won't be any villains left! What you think dipshit will happen if there is no heroes who can go after you anymore?

Shigaraki: ....

It seems as if he was thinking hard but who knows what he would say next. It really depended on how he would react to what I just had said... because let's be honest, I was ready to just punce at the man at any second now! He was not thinking in a bigger picture at all. Yes there was All Might and yes he had a grudge against the man and All for One had an open bill with All Might too but that didn't mean anything if we couldn't do anything at all. Besides once the symbol of peace was gone, there was for sure someone else who would take over that place and we would be the number one haunted villains. Is this really what I wanted?


I wanted to screw with hereos.

I wanted to be myself!

I wanted revenge on this fucking system!


A) Shigaraki will deny everything.

B) Shigaraki accepts and follows the lead.

The choice is Yours! (Interactive Story)Where stories live. Discover now