What now?

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I let the healer do his job till everyone was kinda satisfied and we moved over to Endeavors office. They made me sit down and face them. Still couldn't understand what this was all about. 

Me: So? What now?

Endeavor: *sigh* Where did you said you picked him up?

Hawks: Streets, why?

Endeavor: Which streets?

Hawks: HEY! If you think, I found him at the red light district then no.

Endeavor: Just crossed my mind.

Hawks: I know same here but-

Me: You guys do realize I am here as well and I can hear you two talking, right?

Hawks: Sorry.

Endeavor: Can you call your mother?

Me: I would rather not too.

Endeavor: I can also call the police.

Me: And you could of course do that but why do you even bother? I am not somoene who is on the run.

Hawks: You kinda were running away.

Me: Shush.

Endeavor: Running away from who?

Me: Just a hobo.

Endeavor: Let me guess, he had a white scarf?

Me: How did you know?

Hawks: I know, no need to look at me like that. Ama give Eraserhead a call.

That was all I could hear before Hawks went out of the room. On the other hand Endeavor and Hawks were exchanging glances the whole time but when I said hobo it for some reason klicked in their mind and both looked at me for a second. Was it really that bad to call the hero a hobo or was it that common that they knew about it? No matter what, it felt off knowing that the hero's nickname was apparently hobo. Otherwise how else did they know who I meant.

Endeavor: Did something happen?

Me: That hobo didn't wanted to let me be.

Endeavor: Did you do something?

Me: Just jumped over a fence and welll he was on the other side.

Endeavor: Can you tell me which fence and why?

Me: Getting home from school and shortcut.

Endeavor: You are a bad liar.

Me: I know but it still was worth a try.

Endeavor: So wanna talk about it?

Me: And get more heroes involved? Nope. I'll pass.

Endeavor: Alright.... 

Me: Can I ask something?

Endeavor: Sure.

Me: Can you please not tell anything about this to my mom. 

Endeavor: Why?

Me: I don't want her to worry.

Endeavor: I see.... any plans for the future?

Me: You changed topic too quickly... you are offically sus.

Endeavor: Sus?

Me: Suspicious, sus, among us sus! Don't tell me you never heard about this.

Endeavor: No.

Me: You are old.

Endeavor: Thanks for the newsflash Sherlock.

Me: Your welcome.

Endeavor: No. I was thinking if you would like to be a hero in the future?

Me: A hero?

Endeavor: Yes.

Me: Why you asking?

Endeavor: You seem to go on the wrong track and I would like to correct that and get you on your right path. 

Me: Why? Are you scared I will become a villain?

Endeavor: You seem like a good kid.

Me: Still didn't asnwer my question.

Endeavor: Want me to be honest?

Me: Yes.

Endeavor: I think if people push you a lot more than yes. You could become one of the deadliest villains.

Me: hahahahahahahahaha

Endeavor: What's funny?

Me: Well I apprecfiate you thinking I can be dangerous but I kinda want to be a hero like you or Hawks. You guys are one of my favorite heroes.

Endeavor: I see... then how about coming over once a week.

Me: For what and why should I trust you?

Endeavor: I am a hero, this is a hero agency. You are safe here and for training. You want to be a hero then ama get you to it.

Me: You?

Endeavor: Yes or you want that chicken to help you out?

Me: Ahm...

Hawks: Who did you call a chicken.

It was at that moment that I turned around and saw Hawks right behind me. He was standing there as if he was here for a long while now and the thing that thrightens me was that I couldn't tell since when he was back in the room.

Endeavor: How was the call?

Hawks: I told him we had the kid.

Me: And?

Hawks: You are screwed.

Me: HUH?!

Hawks: He called your mom and the police was looking for you.

Me: Oh I am more than screwed!

Hawks: Yep... on the bright side... you are not expelled.

Me: Nooo... I would rather I am.

This must have left the heroes soo confused because I was soo geniuently sad that they didn't say yes to it. It wouldn't be surprising if I would be expelled after I got out that way and insulted a hero by escaping. Well shit, now I have to get out of whatever situation I was in.

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