B) Hide and hope for the best!

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I was trapped. It was something I really hated to admit but I simply was trapped. What was I supposd to do now? RUN?! Where? There was no way. Of course there were some backdoors but none would open and I was certianly not gonna try and open one. Who knows what was behind such a door and I didn't needed more trouble after all.

The bins?

He will look in there !


Of course I gulped when I knew what I had to do but I hated it. There was trashbags laying all around and in quick maner I started to stockpile them and then hide in such a pile. It was simple as to just toss them in a corner sit and let that pile get over me. Now all I was doing was hope. I could see a bit from a small gap but that was about it.


My body was slightly shaking and my heart was racing.. I was scared and there was no way out. If this Tyrann would find me than that meant pain. Something I really couldn't stand right now. My skin was already covered in bruises and burns. Any more than I have right now and I was sure I would not be able to cover them with makeup and hide them from my mother. 

She had it hard in life, there was no need for me to make it worse and more complicated. I knew she loved me but she was also a bit too protective. Yes I was quirkless but even then I was not made out of glass and I was not a butterfly kid who can get hurt easily. In fact, I was just like them. Nothing was wrong with me. I was just missing a quirk but so what? I could walk, talk, do tasks and think like everyone else. If anything, I liked to think that I was special.

Alexander: How about the bins?

Bakugo: TSK!

I couldn't see well but I saw the gang walking around and then heard the closing and opening of a lot of bins until the last one exploded. This apparently was a bit too much since I started hearing someone else shouting too.


Bakugo: FUCK!

Lion: RUN!

And then nothing. I did see them run but I saw another person walking into the street. I was scared but I was more scared of being more late than I already have been and so I wuickly got out of this pile of trash. The guy was watching me as I moved the things away and then came to my side and offered me a helping hand which I took to get up.

Me: Thank you.

Up till now, I definitely didn't really look at who I was talking to but seeing the person now up close, I could only gasp. 

Me: You-

???: Sh!

Honestly, I couldn't stop blinking since the person in front of me was no other than the hero Hawks with a mask on and without wings. I guess he had left his feathers at home and was wearing quite the baggy hoody on himself. If one would see him like he is right now, no one would recognise him at all but the marking on his eyes and his eye colors were enough for me to know.

Me: Thanks again.

Hawks: It's alright. Did they do anything to you?

Me: No Sir.

Hawks: ....

Yeah I was lying. They didn't do a thing right now but I knew that I still had bruises and that I was hiding the pain. In fact I was way too used to the pain by now that I didn't feel it at all.

Hawks: Which school are you from?

Me: Aldera...

Hawks: Let me bring you there then and talk to your teacher. 

Me: Thank you.

I boweded once again before we both headed to Aldera without saying a lot. What Hawks was doing for me was a lot right now. Not only would he make the teacheres accept that I was being late but he for sure would also make sure that everything was alright in the school. I really appreciated that and for once I knew I wouldn't get hurt in the morning and had to endure it through the day. Now all that was left was to be careful after school and then I would have one day where my bruises and injuries could heal in peace.

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