A new opportunity!

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???: How about going with me?

The voice that answered back my question to void was quite unexpected. I really didn't even think that it would be possible for someone to hear me. After all I was all alone or so I ad thought at least. This voice was soo unexpected that it made me jump and immediately get up with my wings ready to fight anyone who would be there.

???: Easy there. I am not here to fight.

Now that I could see the person, I could also see that it was a person covered in mist. He was wearing some nice smoking and he was just standing there alone with his hands visible and not behind his back. He didn't seem like he would attack me but no one knows what people had in their mind. I was not one who would underestimate my opponent.

Me: Who are you?

???: I pardon my rudeness. The name is Kurogiri.

Me: And what do you want from me?

Kurogiri: I have watched your act and am very impressed. I would like to offer you a place and a home.

Me: A home? A place? Where?

I was alarmed at this rate since this person was not really telling me anything I wanted to know at all. For me the way he was speaking was not clear at all. He looked like a normal person but also not. Was there even a villain who would wear something like he was? It looks uncomfortable. To top it off, I was quite the fan of heroes... well that is until just a couple of hours ago. Still it made me more suspicious than anything else. Why should a normal person be on a rooftop and then offering me something like that after all!

Kurogiri: I am putting a team of villains together and I am offering you a place in it.

Me: Where is the catch?

Kurogiri: There is none.

Me: Then why me?

Kurogiri: The world isn't fair, is it now?

Me: ....

Kurogiri: I want to change it but normal people like us are not allowed to do that.

Me: ... and you are assembling a villain team for this? Why not vigilantes?

Kurogiri: Sometimes it needs some dirty work done and vigilantes are usually not really prepared to do that.

Me: Hah... sorry to say this but you don't seem like the boss guy for this!

Kurogiri: You are right. I am simply just a messanger.

Me: Then who is behind this?

Kurogiri: If you want, you can meet him youself. Do not fear, your safety will be vouched for. You can decide to go whenever you please.

Me: Alright.

Kurogiri: This way please.

I at least felt like hearing this guy out since he was offering me something like this. To be honest it felt a bit ridiculous that I am even thinking about this but then I also could see all the possibilities of a team. If I could manage to make them be trustworthy then this team would be as good as any other team. If worse gets to worse, I could basically trust them with my lifes as well. It would certainly be handy to have someone back me up. 

However, as sweet as it sounded, I could also see what would happen if I was put in one of these situations where I would be actually a slave for this team. It wouldn't be good and I was sure that at some point, I would go after them to kill them for it. I was no slave! I was no person to do some catch anf fetch for anyone. I was not a lowely dog trained to head every command and that was my final stand.

Now the thing was... would this actually be beneficial or would this end up horribly? 

An open question but at this point, I found the risk of it not this bad. I mean, I lost my mother, didn't had a home, just killed a couple of people under them some police officers and I was expecting to get away with this?


I knew I wouldn't be able to get away with that soo easily. 

So I needed either power or backup. The later would be great and that was exactly what this person was offering me. How could I not see what this was all about especially if my safety was not at risk.

Seeing as this was not that bad of a choice, I looked at the guy nodded and watched him form a portal through which we both went through.


A) Make the villain team your own!

B) Say you are a lone wolf!

The choice is Yours! (Interactive Story)Where stories live. Discover now