B) Shigaraki accepts and follows the lead.

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I really hoped this dumb ass in front of me had some common sense because who knows what would happen otherwise. There was no way I would let him be the leader with no plan at all. It would ruin us all and get us down to hell in no time. I for my part, didn't wanted to end up in prision or near any of the heroes. Especially since I knew that I was underaged and they would think about something else to do with me. Prison was not an option, I mean throw a kid in there and watch him get raped or whatever will happen there. Then they would also put a quirk supression collar on me and just no! There was not a chance I was letting this happen at all.

Shigaraki: You have a point there.

Me: Good then will you let me fucking lead this shitty group and stop being a bitch about it?

Shigaraki: Who you calling a bitch shorty?

Me: You because you were bitching around the whole time!

Shigaraki: How about asking nicely?

Me: Pfff- we are god damn villains! What you expect from me? To actually crawl before you and lick up your shoes? You wish!


He seemed a bit speechless but that was not what made us both stop and look to the door. The reason why we stopped and looked towards the door was because we heard a scream, a girl scream. Since Toga was the only one in the other room, we both kinda boltet out and stopped in track when we saw what just happened.

Me: Ohh Kacchan~

Bakugo, that rabid dog, bit Toga and was not letting go of her hand. Still when I mentioned his name and even called out very sweetly, not fitting to the situation he lot go and looked at me, glaring.

Me: You know, no one likes a bully....

Toga looked at me and she seemed as if she was about to cry but was also liking her own wound on the hand and did seem a bit happy. Dunno it might be my imagination but it definitely looked weird.

Me: You get Toga up and I'll deal with this Pomeranian.

Shigaraki: Sure.

With that Shigaraki went to Toga to make her go up but she was making a fuss something about wanting to see how things are going and about blood and pretty and some more gibberish. Yeah, by now I already figured that all of the people in this villain group were idiots and all of them had their very own personal quirks as well. Didn't really take long to figure that one out. The questions was now, what would I make do with all of them and how would I use them.


That was a question for another day.

Right now, it was important to lecture this damn dog of mine to be obedient.

Me: Kacchan, remember when I said that I would punish you? 

He looked at me and decided to spit right in front of him, right between us.

Me: I see....

Seeing as there was a knife on the ground I decided to play with it for a bit before coming over to my childhood friend, grabbing his hair and forcing him to look up.

Me: You always wanted to be like All Might, let me help you have a smile like him that would never ever wear down.

I think he knew what I meant when I came closer with the knife to his face but it was too late. No screaming could help him now was I was doing a nice job carving a smile into his skin. I've watched old time hero and villain movies and there was one villain that had a smile on the face all the time. I thought it would be a fitting punishment.... well not as if it would be lasting since around midnight Kurogiri would patch this idiot up.

Once I was done, this guy couldn't scream anymore. The tears he was crying because of the pain stopped as well and I simply threw him to the ground cleaning the knife at his shirt.

Me: Do you have anything else to say or bite?

He didn't say anything and he was also not looking at me which I accepted as a good reply. Any more talking back that would come from my dear dog there would make me kick him, break some bones and maybe even stab him. Who knows... I would definitely get creative.

Me: Good, then rest.

Just like that, I decided to get out of the room to join the others since I was done dealing with someone who was not willing to even learn or adapt but I would make it happen sooner or later for sure.

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