USJ... What is that?

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As I planned the whole thing out, the LOV started to actually be more and more cooperative. I found it quite funny because they at first were all just going along because I didn't let anyone actually say anything about it but after I actually managed to break Bakugo with soo many pain and hours sticking with that man, I came to one conclusion and that was to have his parents also in our hands and then threaten him with that.

This was how I actually got Bakugo to be willingly in UA and I was letting him know from time to time with Toga's help that he was not alone and that he would better not act up at all and would you look at this. Today was a meeting that Bakugo has initiated.

Me: Kurogiri bring the man over.

Kurogiri: As you wish.

Me: Everyone else stand back. No one is touching him today. If he has something that is not important is messing around, then you all can do whatever you want as always.

Everyone looked at me and started laughing. They knew that I was against them touching my Kacchan but after I finally broke him, I had them take over from time to time and remind him that I was not the only one he has to be on the watch. It was all of us, the LOV and that included these idiots as well.

It didn't take long and Kurogiri came back with Bakugo. I knew that they actually managed to get him in here without anyone knowing. Of course I also knew that Kacchan wouldn't do anything stupid since I had his parents and by now I broke his spirit already quite well that he was willing to do anything not to feel the pain. He would even beg me for it.

Me: So what you got for us?

Bakugo: Class 1A is planning a field trip.

Me: And why should that be interesting?

Bakugo: All Might, Eraserhead and Thirteen will be there only.

Me: Oh well that is interesting. Anything more you know?

Bakugo: This all will take place in a weeks time. We will get a bus which will transport us there and then get inside all together.

Me: You said All Might has a tendency to be late for class, can we assume the same thing here as well?

Bakugo: Yes.

Me: What about your teacher, Eraserhead. What can you tell me about that man?

Bakugo: Not much. You know about his quirk even without me telling you about it.

Me: You got that right, Kacchan.

Bakugo: Then what the fuck you want from me?

Me: His character. I want to know how you feel like he will act if we would be there.

Bakugo: He is a hero and his reputation is quite good.

Me: So he will engage and try to protect you all?

Bakugo: Yes.

Me: That is helpful.

Bakugo: Can I now see them?

Me: Sure, they are in the room as always.

With that I let Bakugo walk up to his parents which we had locked in a room. They were having it comfortable but they were locked down and it was not the only thing we did. There was something about their voices... let's say they were screaming and cursing soo much that we took some special kind of acid and damaged their vocal cords. It just became soo unbearable.

Shigaraki: That is our chance.

Me: I see that as well.

Toga: So we gonna be there! YES!

Me: We will and you all know the drill.

For the last couple of weeks, I had the LOV train in various scenarious to be able to deal with any kind of quirk that we had in petto. That meant I had them train with Nomus. Of course they were actually beaten up to a pulp more than just once but they always came back up and they were always going straight for the nomu until they knew how to handle, speed, strength, sheer brute force as well as some other quirks like some fire resistence, some hardened skin and so on. They were simply ready.

My idiots were quite good and I had to admit it, I was proud of them.

Me: I want the Nomus ready.

Ah and I nearly forgot to say that I will have about 7 nomus just because I was pushing the doctor and also helping out to create them. Let's just say thanks to that we had 7 nomus ready to fight for us.

Shigaraki: We will have them ready and assigned as well.

Me: Good.

I think by now, they knew how notorious I was.

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