Another one! Are they multiplying?!!!

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I ran and ran and I swear to god at some point I was running but floating and it took me a couple of minutes to even see that someone lifted me off the ground. Maybe I should have actually seen this coming or I should have noticed it sooner but I was actully struggeling and running while someone was holding me like a couple of centimetres above the ground at first. The only reason I really noticed it was when I was put a bit higher and got soo confused to activate my quirk and get my little burning feathers on my skeleton wings.

Me: The heck...

???: Wow there easy! You gonna just fall like this.

Oh god.

I think I just saw a chicken-man flashing past me for a second until I saw Hawks in front of me. In my defence I just saw some red feathers and had that smell of chicken around me. So how in the world was I supposed to know that it was Hawks before he came in front of me. 

Now what makes it worse was that he was apparently not holding me with his hands but kinda did use his feathers to lift me up and guess what? I was burning them down with my very own green flames. Ah how I loved this. The problem here was that I couldn't fly but I could glide and hold me a bit in place but landing was of no problems to me. So the moment he kinda accidently dropped me, I decided to land and remove my flames from my wings. Hawks landed right in front of me with his arms crossed.

Hawks: Now what can a school kid like you be doing this early out?

Me: Going home.

Hawks: You mean running home...

Me: Maybe.

Hawks: Did something happen?

Me: None of your business.

Hawks: Oh really now?

Me: Yes and sorry for burning some of your feathers.

Hawks: .... 

Me: Why are you looking at me like that.

Hawks: Oh nothing.

Me: ...

Hawks: Aldera right?

Me: How do you know that?

Hawks: Your uniform.

Me: Oh.

Hawks: Soo how about I get you back there?

Me: Over my dead body.

I haven't really thought what I was saying at all but I kinda blurred that out without thinking twice and right after I realized what I was saying, I immediately bit my lower lip.


I hate this!

I just made this hero suspicious and I already got a damn hero suspicions already!

I don't need more than that. 

So how do I get out of this situation....

Hawks: Alright.

Me: Huh?


What did he say?

Hawks: You don't wanna go back, right?

Me: Yes but you are a hero.

Hawks: I am but as long as I know you are safe then it's fine with me.

Me: And that means?

Hawks: You gonna go with me.

Me: Where?

Hawks: To my hero agency. I bet a kid like you would love to see it from the inside.

Me: Really?

Hawks: Yup!

Me: That sounds epic!

Hawks: Alright then how about we fly there.

Me: ....

Hawks: What's the problem?

This hero took off from the ground and was looking back at me as I was still standing there looking away from him. By now I definitely got the gist of everything. He was not about to show me the hero agency but wanted to check on me and I could tell this only because his sharp eyes were looking at my wings every now and then while he was smiling and covering his feeling and everything else behind his smile.

Me: I can't fly if you wanted to check that.

Hawks: I would have ne-

Me: You can stop playing around with me. Your eyes are giving you away.

Hawks: Alright, you got me there.

Me: So are we done now?

Hawks: Nope and I can't let you walk around on your own without anyone around.

Me: Why not?

Hawks: You are underage and alone while you should be in school.

Me: It just happened.

Hawks: As the marks on your body?

Me: When did you?

Hawks: You dropped for a small second and I saw the bruise.

Me: ... ah man....

Hawks: So either you tell me what is going on or I am sending you to a hospital.

Me: I knew that agency shit was a lie.

Hawks: Not really since I do have a great healer. If you want, I can drop you off there or Endeavors agency infirmary room. 

Me: Why would I want to go there....

Hawks: Because I was on my way there anyways and you might like him more than me.

Me: *sigh* Do I have a say in this?

Hawks: Nope and you cannot run. 

Me: ...

Hawks: On another note.... you really can't fly?

Me: Never learned it.

Hawks: *sigh*

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