- Vigilante Route!

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The beeping sound of machines around me were the first thing that I could hear. It was all foggy in my head but I could feel something was different. It was weird how alarmingly my body reacted to something I had to ideas about. Was it this environment? Was it what happened? Ahhh my brain was not working as it instantly gave me a headache the moment I tried to remember what happened. It was not that I had forgotten about it but more like my body was in soo much pain and I was starting to wake up completly.

Me: ARG.....

It was a sound of being in pain that escaped my mouth as my eyes started to open and my mind started to clear up a bit. The white ceiling was the first thing I saw and then that smell of antiseptics hit me. There was no doubt that I was in a hospital but why was I here?

My memories were there and started to come back at me but bit by bit since my head was honeslty hurting a lot and I felt as if I just got run over by a car as well. 

The sound of these machines beeping started to increase in speed and then there was another sound coming from one of the machines. It was louder and more high pitched. Was this an alarm?

I didn't know about that but I was certain that I was in a hosptial and I was still alive!

What happened.....

Me and my mom.... 


Where is she?

Is she in a hospital as well?

I panicked and then started looking around as much as I could since standing up was currently not really an option. My body felt very heavy and it hurt really badly as well. Who really knows what happened after that. I was missing some essential piece of memory and that was how I got here. Besides the fact that I wanted to know what was going on with my mother since she was no where to be seen.

Maybe the sound I was hearing was an alarm, or maybe there was a nurse going around and checking on patients like me. Who knows exactly what was going on but the door opened and someone came inside. There was a man with white hair and it perhapse it was a bit grey but he was wearing white as well. Somehow he didn't looked like a nurse at all but I also didn't really know who he was. Did we actually met before?

My mind was still a bit hazy but I didn't care about all this.

Me: Mo....m....

???: It's alright. We have her in our hands and we will be moving you to a way better place as well... just a bit longer.. Kai really wants you and we will do it right.





I was confused but I didn't really get a chance to say anything more as this person came over to me and then injected something into the IV that was hanging there. Even if I wanted to scream or fight, I couldn't. My body was still heavy and I could tell that I was injured all over my bodye since the pain was quite heavy and this was quite something in comparison to what Kacchan did to me on a daily basis.

???: We will see each other when you get a bit better. Don't worry no one is gonna die today.

This man was smiling at me and it was weird but he had something around his waist that he took in his hands. Was it a mask? It looked a bit like a beak but I couldn't really see it. What I could see was his white gloves as he patted my head before leaving the room and leaving me alone completly puzzled.

Who or what was that man.

He promised me that no one was about to die and he said that he had my mother but was this a good thing or a bad thing?

Are we about to get kidnapped?

Or was this perhapse one of this mafia rings where they need us to sell some organs?

All kinds of thoughts came rushing into my mind but my tired body had the upper hand and so I couldn't do much but give in and rest more. Still this man and my situation was quite the mistery for now.... I only could hope that it was nothing too bad. 

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