What a weird guy

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I really hated that mind fucker trying to pray into my things. First off, it was something he shouldn't care but it was his job so I was not that mad about it. Still somewhat offended since I indeed tried to kill myself and I was stupid to do it in a hospital. Would I try it again? Yes, totally. There was no doubt about it. Now anyways, Tsukauchi came into my room as soon as the doctor left and he told me that we were about to go home. It came out of the blue! I seriously thought I would be stuck in there for a couple of more days and yet I was not. 

This was how we kinda got home and how I was greeted by a dog at the front door. He lived alone and had a brown and white border collie. 

Me: Oh hi there...

The dog was the main focus the moment we got inside because it came running towards Tsukacuhi and then threw itself on the ground to get some belly rubs before actually seeing me and then going all around me. Quite the cute dog.

Tsukauchi: Izuku meet my dog Dreamer.

Me: Dreamer:

Tsukauchi: Yes.... he does look as if he is in some kind of a drean like state sometimes and I found him asleep.

Me: Found him?

Tsukauchi: Yes, he is a stary I picked up a year ago as a puppy.

Me: Oh...

Tsukauchi: I hope you don't mind dogs. If you do, I can promise you that he will never get into your room at all.

Me: I don't mind dogs or cats...

Tsukauchi: Glad to hear that and don't worry he doesn't bite.

Me: Oh alright...

This was such a change towards the hospital and I was welcoming it. Was this perhapse the result of this mind fucker? Did he order to get me out of the hospital? Would make sense but then also not if they thought that I was suicidal. Well not that I was actually sick or hurt anywhere anymore.... I felt fine, I could walk, talk and move as I wanted. Where was the problem for me to stay in the hospital longer? 

Me: Mr.-

Tsukauchi: Drop the mister, I adopted you. You don't have to call me father or dad at all but at least not Mr.

Me: Okay.. then... Tsukauchi, I have a question.

Tsukauchi: What's up?

Me: Why are we here... I mean why did you bring me back home?

Tsukauchi: Change of setting. The psychologist  said it would be better for you to move on if you are not stuck in a hospital and we all discussed it with the other doctors. As long as I am bringing you in for regular checkups for the next 3 week, you can stay at home.

Me: And regular checkups means?

Tsukauchi: 1 hour with any psychologist on a dayly basis and 3 doctors appointments in the same hosptial for a week.

Me: *sigh*

Tsukauchi: BUT.... since I am a detective and have enough connection, we don't have to do anything from these.

Me: What is that supposed to mean?

Tsukauchi: That means that I will ask for a favor by my friends. One is the greatest healer to check up on you and the other one is-

Me: Just don't say Eraserhead.

Tsukauchi: You got that right.

Me: *sigh* 

Tsukauchi: You don't like him?

Me: Yeah... we have our past.....and differences.....

Tsukauchi: It's alright, I can ask any hero to come by and check up on you. Just tell me who you like the most.

Me: But why....

I was definitely focusing on the dog while he tried to show me around but this dog, Dreamer, definitely didn't wanted to let it go and was actually the whole time right next to me and Tsukauchi. Not as if the dog wasn't cute at all. This dog was definitely cute and his fur was soo soft. I wanted to hug this dog but it would look good. Oh how weird my mind sometimes is. All the way from the hospital till now I was thinking on how to get rid of myself and now I was just thinking about how I could hug this dog.

Animals were the best. 

No doubt, no question and no talkbacks!

Anyways, Tsukauchi showed me around and there was one room already designated for me. There were some hero merchandise, some sport things, some notebooks, art materials. A bit from everything because he didn't exactly know what I liked and then there were some of my very own things he moved in here as well. From my first impression, I could tell that he definitely thought this all through and was putting soo much effort in it. No one would just put in some random hobby things like paint, some lifts, some figurines, I think I even saw some D&D stuff around. He definitely got me a bit from everything, not carrying about the price tag on it. 

What a weird guy.

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