Too late...

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We were at my home and I thought I had hiden everything well but apparently not. There were still some stuff laying quite obviously around. My father didn't really mind at first when we got in and I had made him sit in the living room while I would get him more coffee but then I started to hear something that made me suspicious. Perhaps he had already thought that the bombs were my doing from the start. Maybe there was an evidence I left behind and he wanted to confront me on his own.

Aizawa: Did you start painting recently?

Me: No, why are you asking?

Aizawa: Mic told me about a trend going on. He thought you might like it.

Me: What trend?

Aizawa: It's about hitting nails on a canvas or a wooden board. After that use a string to create a picture out of it.

Me: Interesting... no, I didn't why are you asking?

Aizawa: There are some nails on the ground.

Me: Ohh! It seems I have spilled them while fixing something.


Did I really spill some nails?

So he suspects me... since when?

While I was preparing his coffee, I decided to slip in some drugs inside to make him black out. One of the precaution methods I had at home in case somehting like this happened. Besides that, I also have different things set up around the place. Some hidden weapons, some traps and some knock out gas.

After preparing the drinks, I came to the living room and gave it to Aizawa still looking quite sad about the fact about Midnight. However my mind was now in a disarray. I didn't know if he was suspecting me or if he was just casually talking. It was dangerous and I had this sense of being watched. Oh how I hated it. I never liked being together with the hero but I also was quite grateful for everything too. So I didn't really wanted to kill him. However there was one thing I did carefully prepare over the years. He may not know about it, or perhapse he did, but I purchased a house in the middle of the city. How did I do that? Well I was helping out some villains by selling support gear and some people wanted my analytical skills which brought me to this. I had lived a double life ever since he adopted me. I had worked soo much that I now knew where I could easily hide a body... the body being alive or dead...

Me: Here your coffee.

Aizawa: Thank you. What were you fixing the other day?

Me: See that shelve over there? ... I broke it on accident and thought nails could actually help to fix the problem. 

Aizawa: I see...

When he started drinking, I knew that the effect would kick in in about 5 minutes. One of the best drugs sold in the black market.

Me: By the way, do you think Nezu would investigate into the occurrence of the bomb as well as the death of Kamui?

Aizawa: He may be asked to help out.

Me: Oh great! Then this could be fun.

Aizawa: Pardon?

Me: I mean that Nezu is not dumb and will be hard to deal with. Don't you agree?

Aizawa: Yes.

My father wouldn't be a coffee addict if it wouldn't be for him to chuck down that coffee as if it was some sort of alcohol or some holy water. It was too my advantage since this way the drug would work a lot faster and besides I just had to sit down there and wait till he would actually feel the effect. It didn't take long that he seemed to feel it and I stood up seemingly worriedly. If he didn't know that the killer was me then he would know now. 

Still my very own consciousness felt soo much better this way.

I had a feeling he suspected me and that would drive me crazy.

Eventually sooner or later I would make a slip up which I didn't wanted to do at all.

Me: Are you alright?

Aizawa: I am fine.

No you are not!

I can't believe that you can still say that...

Born as a true hero... too bad that you had to see the nails....

Can't risk anything else from here on out.


A) Talk to Aizawa

B) Don't talk to him

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