B) Go with Nemuri

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I chose that woman with the long black hair called Nemuri and it was for sure not a wrong decision at all. She was... well... different. I can't really say that she felt like a real mother but more like a companion who I could trust. Though she was definitely making soo much effort to be my mother, I could tell that much.

Nemuri: MARKO!!!!!

And there she was screaming Marko again. 


She should know that I am around but why still do that?

I guess this is fun...

Me: POLO!!!

We were on a rooftop and I was out the whole night seeing what I could find out about information and deliver it to the right person. There was this agreement that I had with my mom and it basically went like this: 

-) I was allowed to do my own shit at night IF I would make a break at 3 am and we would meet up.

-) I had to tell her about any kind of injury I got.

-) For some reason I must and I really mean must film a short ticktock video of how I was either annoying the police or a hero for her channel just for her fun.

Today was the day I was doing one of these videos and I chose to annoy Detective Tsukauchi and his partner Cat. It was fun watching them suffer from time to time but it was also fun going after Eraserhead. Last time I did that, I had him jumping off a roof because I scared the shit out of him and ... well ... he had to be saved with his own scarf and dangeling there for an hour till I got more help to pull him up. Hey, he is heavy soo no judging me!

Nemuri: Soo how is the night going on?

Me: Boooo~ring~

Nemuri: Ah really?

Me: Yeah... there is literally nothing going on in the streets at all.

Nemuri: Then what did you do till now?

Me: I went to annoy Tsukauchi and Sansa.

Nemuri: Oh no... what did you do?

I could tell that she was laughing and even holding back. Not as if I was not doing the same thing. I guess it takes two of a kind to do this and get away with everything.

Me: I had catnip in the interrogation room and Sansa went inside.

Nemuri: Catnip? Where the hell did you get that from?

Me: Aizawa.

Nemuri: Does he know?

Me: Ohhh he was in on it and even wanted to give me a cat for the prank as well.


Me: Yup.

Nemuri: So how was the reaction?

Me: Well Sansa got high and went all flirty towards Tsukauchi before acting like a human cat on all four, purring and asking basically begging for attention.

Nemuri: Ohhh my god... I need to see that!

Me: Here.

Since this was all a parnk for her main TickTock channel to lighten up the mood around heroes, she was more than pleased to watch it and then see all the reaction on it as well. Some heroes were basically replying that they needed to try that out and even get some fish for the poor guy. There was Mic who even said he needed some toys around just in case this would happen again.

It was just simply good and pure gold.

Me: You like it?

Nemuri: Good job my child!

Without prior notice, I got hugged and then she started ruffling my head. We were after all watching everything on her phone and sitting there on the rooftoop having some sweet snacks and drinks around us. This was just our meet up place and it was even on an abandoned building which nezu bought and put a huge wall and some insane security around. This was the only place safe for me to be he said and here I am having basically a basement layer which was more than high tech in an abanodned building.

Anyways, I was glad I could have these moments of rest and just having fun with my mom after what happened to the LOV. The frist day I got out of the hospital they attacked and Nezu kinda did see it coming soo they managed to get the LOV down but I was still soo confused what just happened with basically 20 heroes undercover around me that I didn't notice and they all jump on the LOV apprehending them all. Now I was safe for sure thanks to that... but damn that rats controll and power is scary! How did he get 20 heroes to do this, I don't know...

Nemuri: This is gold.

Me: I know...

Nemuri: What will you do now though?

Me: I thought I could come home and we could have a movie night... for the rest of the night?

Nemuri: I have to teach some brats tomorrow.... hmmm.... I can't say no to my little sweet cinnamon roll.

Me: How about I help out tomorrow?

Nemuri: You mean scaring the shit out of them?

Me: And chasing me around like last time? Yes, it was kinda fun.

Nemuri: Sure why not? Sho is complaining that they don't get enough exercise anyways.

Me: Cool than that is decided.

Being with Midnight was just fun. She never got angry with me and it's already been a couple of months that I was living together with her and meeting up here and there at the layer. She was sweet and always taking care of me like a true mother. Life could have been really easy if she really would be my mother and I don't care what happened in my past life or my memories. All that counts is the here and now. 

I was thankful for everything.

Especially being able to stick to who I am and do what I like. No one could forbid me to be Haru a Vigilante over night after all. This city's heroes and police force needed me after all or everything would look soo much more difficult and harder.

Not many know.... that in the shadows of everything was a vigilante hiding and listening to everything what is happening and that person was me!

This was who I am and this was what I could do to make the world a better place.


A/N: Thanks guys for choosing this option and stick with me till the end! If you want to read the other options then continue sticking with me.

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