B) Make a lie or an excuse

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Me: ...

Eraserhead: Yes?

Me: I don't have anything I want to say.

Eraserhead: Oh really?

Me: Yes.

Eraserhead: Judging from how you look kiddo, you do.

Me: Are you judging people based on their looks now? Is this what a hero really is?

Eraserhead: Don't play dumb kid.

Me: I am not playing dumb and you don't even know me to care about this bullshit.

Eraserhead: I am a hero and I have a duty to help all the people I see in need.

Me: Well I never asked for help nor do I want some.


All lies!

I would love to get help but I know that it won't bring me anything but more spite!

This alone will get me in soo much more troubles.

You think if I say it out loud that Bakugo will leave me alone?


THAT DEMON OF A POMERANIAN.... No that terrorist of an explosion .... nope that doesn't cut it either.... that rabid infested vermine and weed of ... what am I even saying....


It all won't cut it!

He is the worst of the worst!

There is no fucking reason to just expose and get myself in trouble more!

Me: Besides is it not invation of privacy what you are doing right now? I could basically call the police on you.

Eraserhead: And how do you think this will work?

Me: Wanna try?

Eraserhead: Go ahead.

Me: Alright.

I picked out my phone from my pocket and I could tell how much the class was looking at me. I hated the whole situation soo much. This damn hero was trying to force me to tell him that not only Bakugo but the whole school is bullying me and that all the problems the others have are soo little that they couldn't be called problems if they would be compared to mine. Now what did he really expect me to do?

He was only here for this day and this class.... meanwhile I would need to finish this damn school year here looking and meeting all these people for more than one day. Of course I love to make fucking enemies of everyone! That is my hobby, duhhhh! Nope! Nopedy Nope! Sooo not gonna do this Nah-ah! I am not insane nor am I tired of life yet!

When I got my phone out, I decided to call my mother since the police would do shit about this but my mother would do more than just a bit of damage to his ears.

Mom: Hello darling?

Me: Hello, ahm there is this homless dude that is invading my privacy and not letting me go.

Mom: Izuku you are supposed to be in class don't tell me you are not?

Me: Nah, I am in class at Aldera and today we got a hero invited over but this hero looks like a hobo and is not letting me go, I don't know what to do.

Mom: Give him to me.

Me: Alright.

I handed over my phone to the hero with a "For you" and he immediately took the call and continued it. However you could definitely hear my mother screaming at this hero for invading my privacy not even asking what he did and if he was insane and that she would call the cops on him and so on. I could hear it all since I was close but still it was definitely something else.

Eraserhead: Pardon Ma'am but do you know how you son looks like?

Mom: You wanna tell me my son looks terrible? Are you motherfucking crazy?!

Eraserhead: He has bruises, burns and cuts.

Mom: Pardon, what now?

Oh no...

Oh noooo!

This is bad!

Mom: My son would never get into a fight, you must have the wrong kid.

Eraserhead: Green hair, freckles, big green eyes?

Mom: And you want to tell me again he got hurt and you are asking him what again?

Eraserhead: How he got the wounds and what problem he has since I am a licensed pro-hero and this is one of my duties.

Mom: ...

Oh shit!

This whole thing backfired on me!

I should dip!

But how?



Can I get around this hero?

I don't know!

What should I do?


My mind was kinda running into an overdrive since I definitelly had to get away from here fast but I had zero clues about how to get away from there. There was nothing I could say to make the hero stop looking at me like that so I kinda decided to just run.

Without any hesitations, I stood up and used grabbed the table to overthrow it right in front of the hero to throw him off guard and then run around Bakugo towards the door but stopped and made a U-turn towards the next window opening and jumping through it.... I may or may not know that there is a tend right  beneath the window since there was a sport festival going on sponsored by the sports club and right beneath this window was the tent with some food and drinks and refreshments. Here I go, first floor and out the window hoping I wouldn't break any bones and this tent would hold my weight.

It worked... kinda...

Well.... I got out of the school and I was running away in I don't even know what direction anymore since I just bolted out. However I did hear the hero cursing behind me but I also lost him dunno when but I did at some point.

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