Out of there!

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Perhapse I was a bit out of things because the moment I knew I couldn't break these chains, I started walking to the stairs but stopped. I had totally forgotten all the things I had with me. There was sleeping gas I had with me and that would make things easier too. Needless to say that it was something I had completly forgotten in the sense of danger. ]

Me: I'll be back.

Eraserhead: Get out of here instead!

No, I refused to do that and promised him to actually come back in my own thoughts because I knew that we both knew what I would do next was very risky.

I must be out of my mind to be doing this.

Slowly I made my way upstairs and stopped on the last step. This was definitely the moment I had to take a short breather before I would get to go and throw these bad boys into the room. No one seemed to be in the room but I knew better than to trust the silence. So I readied the small grenades and only once I felt ready, did I open the door and stormed into the room ready to pull and throw any moment. Since there was no one there, I got up and the hallways were all empty. However the doors were not the best ones when it came to isolation and so I decided to fucking scream and throw the grenade. This would make everyone come out for sure.


And indeed. I did get them to slam the door open but the grenade was already placed and went off as well. First one was flash grenade that and second one the gas. It was enough to blind them and then make them all fall to the ground. None of the people here could have actually faught with me in their state at all. 


Now who of all these sleeping beauties has the key...

You for sure not....

You not as well...

Oh either that guy or this one.

I went over to to search for a key but found none at all. It was really getting on my nerves now. I had done all this for what? It seems as if I was completly stupid but also not. At least I could now walk around and have a better look at thigns too. I needed a tool something I could make these chains get either loose or break. I needed... I needed... I needed something like that! As I was walking around I found a room behind the laying girl and saw some torture weapons and with in these I found something that was definitely intended to cut through bones.... but I would use them to cut through these chains. Same same but different material after all.

It took me a bit but when I ran down towards Eraserhead, I was really happy to see him awake but I also managed to miss the last step downstairs and fell down on the ground.

Eraserhead: *sigh* I told you to get out.

Me: And I said I would come get you.

With that, I stood up, got to the hero made the chains break... though that took everything I had since honestly, breaking chains apart was definitely not easy at all. Though with some effort I managed to get him off the wall and started supporting him as we got out of the dungeon like area. Onc we were upstairs, we immediately went for the front door.

Eraserhead: The front door?

Me: Easierst way out if we kick the door open.

Eraserhead: Villains?

Me: Asleep.

I could feel the heroes gaze upon me but I really didn't quite care about this at all since this was our way out and yes, I kicked the door open together with the hero and we both got out to a point where I walked with him to a police station and then just vanished while everyone was rushing to the hero. One skill I picked up while being a quirkless kid then it was to fade in the background and just kinda vanish.

One thing was for sure though... these villains... they were certainly up to something and I wanted to talk about this with Kai. He for sure knew a bit more about them.

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