Ah come on... why?!

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Someone explain to me why I was hiding in a trash bin. I never really was one to hide from bullies or even do this and yet here I was hiding from Bakugo in a trash bin, a big one and it was smelly and I hated it. I even had my wings quite close to my body to not get them dirty. Cleaning them was quite the story after all.

Damn it!

Why did I even run?

This is soo stupid!

I hate this soo much!

Why the heck did he had to chase after me?

He isn't a damn Rabies infected Dog anyways!

Still I really didn't get why I was here and why in the world I had to hide. I did nothing wrong. All these years, I never really cared and suddenly I just felt like dipping into a bin to not get beaten. 

Me: *sigh*

Everythinng was soo normal a couple of minutes ago....

Where did it all turn wrong?

Just thinking about the day was giving me a headache. It was really just normal. I was the very first one to wake up and I was the one to make breakfast because I wanted to surprise my mother. Then I wanted to gift her some flowers and also give her some nice brealfast to bed so I woke up especially early to d everything.

Of course I went to the flower shop and they didn't had the flowers my mom loved so I went to the next one and another one after this. To make it short, I barely made it home in time and forget about making breakfast since I was soo late that I knew that it would be impossible. In the end I just bought soomething from outside served nice on a plate and woke my mother up.

She was happy so everything was fine. There was absolutely no need to tell her what I just went through to get the flowers or how far I had to go to get them. It was literally supposed to be a 30 minutes trip and it ended up being like 1 and a half hour. The 1 hour I planned for breakfast was gone with that. Thankfully it was pretty quick to get something from outside or I would be screwed.

Oh what we don't do for our loving mothers!

Well this was how the morning started. I was quite happy to make my mother happy and when it was time for school, my smile vanished. I mean it was school, can you blame me for that? Anyways, I packed my stuff, gave my mother a see ya later kiss on her cheek and hugged her tightly before leaving.... And that is where hell started...quite literally as well.

What was I supposed to do?!

Stay there for them to beat me up when today was an important day?!

Kacchan even knows it as well...


I hate this!

Gosh... I think ama throw up...


I have to be quiet.

Think positively!

Think positively!

Think positively!

Today hasn't ended yet.... It can still get a better day!

Now paying close attention to the noises I could hear, I could make out some footsteps and some panting as well as cursing. From the footsteps, there should be around like 6 people running or that was what I was guessing since Kacchan had this group of friends who were actually like about 6 people and that was why I was thinking that he ran after me the moment I started dashing away. Of course these underlings were around him no matter what! There was not a single time when I saw them appart.

Underling 1: Where is he?

Underling 4: I saw him run this way!

Kacchan: FUCK!

Underling 3: He can far...

Underling 2: You mean he can't fly!

Underling 5: Pfff- that was good!

Kacchan: Fucking find him!!

Underling 3: Ama go right.

Underling 2: Ama join you.

Underling 5: So we go left?

Underling 1: Sounds about right.

Underling 6: And ama join you two.

Kacchan: Crabface, you going with me.

Underling 4: So straight.

Kacchan: Just fucking follow me!

Yup there was no doubt in my mind that this was Bakugo who just passed me. 

Why did I do this again?

Oh yeah... 

For once I don't want to get beaten.

Besides Mom wanted to eat out today since it's hear birthday...

I stayed in the bin for a couple more seconds before I decided to actually get out of there. Oh how I hated this stentch and then staying in here. It was not as if they were not gone already. Besides it was unconfortable being inside a bin. This stentch and then thinking about going to school after this was just... *sigh*... this really wasn't my day at all.


A) A hero comes by

B) Kacchan finds him

C) He gets away safely

A/N: Don't forget to vote till next week! The one with the most votes will be done first!

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