A) Make the villain team your own!

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There was not really much that I was thinking when I went through the portal but when I got out, there were a million thoughts I had after that. When I got out of the portal, I was met with a. man in a hospital bed but everyone knows who that person was. There was no way, I wouldn't know who he is at all! I mean that ladies and gentlemen was All for One, the number 1 villain. The thing here was that just a couple of seconds ago, I was even debating in actually getting to be the new number one.

AfO: Ah hello young one.

Oh shit....

That is really the man!



There is no way, I could actually get out of this alive!

No matter what this damn guy just told me!

Me: ....

AfO: You came here to see me, that means you have something to say.

Me: I do.

No... I didn't at all... but I can't back down now!

I need to stay strong here.

AfO: Then go on. I am listening.

Me: Why me? What made you chose me to be in the villain group?

AfO: Because you have the will and the power to do something great. This society had ridiculed you long enough. Now is your chance to show them differently.

Me: And why should I join?

AfO: Is there anything not to your liking? It would be advantageous, no?

Me: It is but I learned that if something is this good to be true, there is always a catch.

AfO: Clever one. 

Me: This is just simple common sense.

AfO: And yet there are already 3 others in the group who have simply agreed on the terms I gave them without asking anything.

Me: ... are they idiots?

AfO: They are unfortunate childrens like yourself. 

Me: And why are you doing this?

AfO: Because I have a goal in mind. I want to destroy the hero society. They are nothing but just a hindrance and holding us back. In the beginning before the heroes existed, there were less crime rates and there were less discrimination. Now a child will be labelled as villainous or even useless because they do not posses a quirk.

Me: ....

I could see where this is going but there was something that was alarming me. He was talking about the times before quirks. It sounded almost as this pereson was talking about times he even lived through and was nostalgically looking back. Was I imagining this?

AfO: Now what do you say?

Me: What is in there for me? A team is nice and all but what does it actually count if they will abandon me?

AfO: They will certainly not.

Me: And who shall be the leader? You said they didn't ask anything at all before. I will not let anyone command me at all.

When I did finish what I was saying, my quirk flared up and I could feel the hear rising around me. My wings were certainly in full flames and as much as I loved them, I knew that I could also just lose control easily if they would be this hot.

AfO: Then show me that you can lead the team and it will be yours to command.

Me: Mine? I will not take responsibility for anyone but myself!

AfO: I see.... 

Me: ... now if there is not more than this, I will be excusing myself here.

It all sounded just too good to be true that there wouldn't be a catch and I was sceptical about it soo much that I had to get out of here while I can.

AfO: Unfortunate....oh how unfortunate... and here I thought the one who wrote soo many notebooks about everything would be talkative.

Funny how the moment he actually dared to start talking about my notebooks, how I stopped and turned around. 

I am screwed!

If he knows about them... then I am fucked!

He will not let me go at all...

He is still politely laughing at me but who knows how this will turn out.

I was scared but I was also certainly not about to show him that.

Me: So what if I wrote them? I know a lot as well.

AfO: I saw the notes about a certain blond spiky haired kid inside. How about I tell you, that we have said kid under our hands and you can do whatever you want.

Oh damn. He certainly knew how to make me accept his offer. There was no way, I wouldn't let such a chance go past me.

Me: I am in but only if I am the leader of that group. I do not want to do some shit that gets me behind bars.

AfO: Glad we are on the same page.

It was the end of a conversation where me and this guy had shown each other our fangs without starting to threaten each other. Everything said in our conversation was a test and I could tell by his reaction that he was not threatened by me at all. If anything, I was the prey here.

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