Relapsing memories!

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Soo ahm... maybe I should say I am sorry about it but I was certainly not sorry about a thing here. I mean it was my life after all and I was the one controlling it and all. Then why did it feel as if I was on the wrong track? Why did it feel as if it was meaningless and why did it feel as if I didn't live at all. It was weird saying that. I mean what I felt right now was as if my whole body was a pupped and that I was in some kind of show... no even then I would feel a lot better than what I was doing now for sure.

Eraserhead: What are you thinking about?

Me: I wonder what I should get at the cafe... I like sweets a lot.

We were both walking down the street towards the heroes car and it took us just a bit until we found it and he let me chose where I wanted to sit down. Of course I kinda went for the seat in the front right next to the driver. I could never go back. However once I got into the car, I started feeling bad. I mean really really bad.

This feeling that I had which was choking me was really chocking me. I stopped breathing for a second and was just thinking about what happened looking at the side mirror. Yeah, this was the same thing I did before the incident. 

I could remember everything.

Every single detail...

The blood....

The broken glass...

My mothers scream...

Eraserhead: A sweet tooth huh.... guess we are going to that cafe then.

Me: What cafe?

I tried soo hard not to think about it but it was hard when there was just this chunk in my throat. Talking was no easy task but the hero didn't seem to have noticed for now. I could only pray that it would be like that.

It was all your fault! You know this! I died because of you!

It was just there!

I looked at Eraserhead but what I saw was my mothers image. She was bleeding and looking exactly how I last remembered her after the car was overthrown and everything. No emotions on her face but the voice that came out of her mouth was chocked.

*snapping sound*

Eraserhead: IZUKU!

Me: Huh?

The hero, my new father, was snapping his finger in front of my face which brought me back to normality. I didn't expected something like this to happen at all but it let a bitter taste in my mouth and I felt this deep sadness in the pits of my stomach. 

How could I not remember that it was my fault?

How could I forget?

Yeah... I shouldn't try to be happy. 

Me: Sorry.

Eraserhead: Shall we use the public transport system?

Me:  I am fine.

There was just this feeling that I had that this hero was actually just saying that because of me and I didn't quite like it all. Why would he do something like that? I didn't really get that.  So of course I would refuse that offer.

Me: I am really fine. Besides this is faster.

Eraserhead: Are you sure?

Me: Yeah.

I smiled at him giving him one hell of an honest smile since this was my decision and I was totally fine with the car. It just took me a couple of minutes to get back and not lost into all these feelings that I had and that was all.

It seems as if the hero did understand my point since he just started the motor and we started to drive off to our way when all of the sudden this feeling hit me once again. This time it was even more unbearable. This voice and that imagine popped up in my mind. I was soo close to tearing up but I also felt no tears at all. This heavy feeling was just there. I wanted to rbeath but all of the sudden breathing alone was getting harder and harder and I had to close my eyes to focus on it for a bit. I felt something chocking me. I felt sick, and I wanted to get out of this damn car. I wanted this all to end!

Why was this soo hard?

Why did I had to endure it?


This was just not fair!

Punishment here or not, I didn't care anymore. I just had to do something. This was too much. I couldn't stand it. Better dead then alive at this point.

Eraserhead: Problem child?


A) Stay put

B) Give in

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