Talk about mind freaks....

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I really hated this! They moved me to another room and then left me there alone for like a couple of hours and you know why? YOU KNOW FREAKING WHY?! Because they wanted a damn mindfucker to come around and talk to me. So what do you think I was doing right now? I was sitting in a room all alone with a psychologist who should tell me how wonderful the whole world is and how rainbowy and sunshine life could be. Not with me!

Psychologist: Hey there, how are you feeling today?

Me: *sighs* Like I've been hit by a truck.

As if that isn't obvious....

I wonder what quirk he has. I mean he is a doctor... maybe healing?

Or is it something else?

Maybe something more dramatic....

I have a truth telling detective how much worse can this person be?!

Psychologist: It's tough being stuck in here, isn't it? But hey, at least you have some prime real estate with that window view.

He nodded in agreement while coontinuing to talk. I knew that I looked shit and no one had to tell me about it. My mood was also none existant. If I had to say anything then I would say I wanted to take a swan dive off the roof but that wouldn't be possible, now would it?!

Me: Oh yeah, the view of the parking lot is really uplifting. You should try it sometime.

Sarcasm was dripping all over my words and all this man did was chuckle back at me. Now I truly felt like playing in some kind of messed up show.

Psychologist: I'll keep that in mind. So, how are you holding up? Any thoughts you want to share?

Me: Not really. Just trying to survive the boredom, you know?

Psychologist: Well, lucky for you, I brought my trusty boredom-busting toolkit. How about we play a game or something to pass the time?

Me: Oh joy, I can hardly contain my excitement. What's next, arts and crafts?

Psychologist: Hey, don't knock it 'til you've tried it. But no, I was actually thinking we could play a little game of "Two Truths and a Lie." I'll start: I once skydived without a parachute, I'm secretly a superhero, and I have a pet goldfish named Fluffy. Which one do you think is the lie?

Me: Hmm, tough call. I'm gonna go with the superhero thing. Unless you're hiding a cape under that lab coat.

Is the man humoring me?!

The fuck does he want from me?

Do I look like a motherfucking 3 year old child to not know what he is getting at?

I am not that stupid!

Psychologist: You got me! Although I must admit, Fluffy the goldfish does have a certain heroic charm.

Me: Yeah, sure, whatever you say, Doc. So, how about you? Got any juicy secrets you wanna spill?

Psychologist: Oh, you caught me off guard there. Alright, let's see... I once got lost in a shopping mall for three hours, I can juggle flaming torches, and I'm secretly a world-renowned spy.

Me: mm, tough one. I'm gonna say the spy thing. Although, I wouldn't put it past you with those sneaky mind games.

Psychologist:  You got me again! Although I must admit, I do have a knack for gathering intel on the best ice cream spots in town.

Wasn't really hard to do that?

Like you are pretty ovbious about it too.

Psychologist: You know, sometimes a little laughter can be the best medicine. But on a serious note, how are you really feeling?

Me: I guess... I am quite alright.

Psychologist: Are you sure?

Me: Do I look as if I wanted to jump out of this window over there?

I honestly do...

100! would do that!

Psychologist: Yes....

Me: Hahahahahahaha

Psychologist: Well I am glad someone has their fun about this at least.

Me: Of course I have, that is quite ridiculous! Why should I do that?

There is more than just one reason to do it.

Psychologist: Don't know, you tell me. You harmed yourself earlier too.

Me: That's different.

Psychologist: oh really?! How come?

Me: Because I couldn't believe that this is all true... my mom died. I am here and then I get adopted on the same day. Don't you think that is quite a bit to take in?

Psychologist: Ahh... very true... but pain is not the answer much less hurting yourself that much.

Me: Tell that to someone who is in shock!

Psychologist: I see..... say do you like it here?

Me: Are you kidding? 

Psychologist: Feels like a prison hm...

Me: Seems like you know one thing or two.

Psychologist: Alright, I'll talk to your father and the lead doctor.

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