Work is not easy

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Who said what Valerian was doing was easy? That was definitely a lie. It was only 3 days after he vanished and I was already struggling. The thing is... I knew how the system he set up to gather information was working in theory but maintaining it was something completly else. This was just crazy.

I wanna throw this computer into the trash bin... better yet! Out of the window!

Why the hell is this not working!

I did everything he showed me and he noted down in his notebook that he left.





Normally I was not a person who would actually curse at a computer internally but this was a different matter. I had troubles to actually keep track of everything since soo much was going on. There was a robbery which was about to happen soon and then there was this villain group which I was keeping tabs on. Now the troubles that I had was making sense what was going on. I could see soo much happening and then all of the sudden I lost everything I noted down on the PC. 

Now.... Now I had to do the notes individual.

Of course I passed because of that and I was not about to take it at all. Since I was basically sitting here for the last 3 days doing nothing more than gather information and losing them as well as writing down stuff, I needed to get out and have a break. This was what I did and not only that but I went towards where the robbery was supposed to happen with a prepaid phone.

Fuck letters!

I hate this shit.

Let's just do a call!

Who cares about my voice or people figuring out what I do...

I was pissed and mad and just done with everything. Three days and my nerves were at an end that I simply called the police.

Police: Detective Tsukauchi on the phone, how can I help?

Me: There is a robbery going on at XXX street.

Police: Are you inside the building?

Ahm nooo...

How should I be inside a jewellery shop?

But alright....he can't know what is inside the address for sure.

Me: No, I was just passing by and saw it happening.

Police: Please stay away from that area. I already send reinforcement.

Me: Okay.

Police: Is there anything you noticed while seeing this?

Me: One had a scar and also claws as quriks and the other guy was steaming the whole time.

Police: Noted down anything else?

Me: They had a riffle around the sholder.

Police: A Riffle?!!!

Me: Yes.

Police: Kid, how close are you to this?

Oh does this really matter now?

I mean you asked for this.

I also got more information about them thanks to yesterday evening.....

But I shouldn't say more for sure.... I might be sus already.

Who am I kidding... a kid around 10 pm walking around and ten finding this... of course I am sus as hell!

Me: I was across the street.

Police: Please get yourself in safety and make sure not to get spottet.

Me: Alright. 

That was actually all there was to the call because there were some callings in the background of this police officers and it seems as if they were a bit in a hurry. Not that I was not hearing the sirens already and I was for sure not about to stay there for much longer. Why should I even do that? All my job was about was actually to give information to the right persons. Now that I did that, I also had some letters. Well nothing much besides locations noted down and reasons like weapon dealer or child abuse or even child trafficking which I found out. Now all that was left was get to the hero agencies different once and even houses and put the note in their post boxes. 

I mean honestly just happy that I had this notebook with addresses and then stating which hero for what and this was how I assigned the child trafficking thing to Eraserhead the child abuse to Endeavor and the weapon dealing thing to Hawks then had some smaller stuff like crypo things and hackers which I gave to Sir Nighteye and so on and so on. 

All in all my night was just me running around cursing that it was getting colder with the season and in the end just throw myself into the bed and was just laying there till I fell asleep without any worres. I was dead and if I mean dead, I mean dead dead.

I needed rest.

I needed sleep.

And I needed a day off from everything.

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