A) Stay put!

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Me: Hm?

Eraserhead: You don't look good.

Me: I am fine.

Eraserhead: Don't lie to me.

Me: ... sorry.

Eraserhead: Tell me what's bothering you.

Me: .... it.... complicated.

My chest was tightening up a lot more and honestly I really just wanted to jump out of this car while it was moving and not think about anything at all but then the words of this hero echoed in my mind. He told me to suffer for my crimes and not only that but he was soo right. Who was I to actually be allowed to die this easily? Death might have been something I wish for, yearn for but it was not something that I was allowed to get that easily too.

Eraserhead: We have time...

Me: I.... I still can see that incident....

I don't really know what came over me to say this. To be quite honest, I didn't wanted to tell him a thing but here I was now telling him about it. Maybe this was a burden to the hero and maybe it was not but right now... I made a mistake and told it to him while I was too focused on breathing and swalling down that sticky glue heavy feeling I had.

Eraserhead: I know it is hard but remember that you have to live on.

Me: I know.

Eraserhead: You will learn one day why I am saying this.

Me: Hm?

The last sentance made me a bit puzzled since I already knew why he was saying this to me. Why would he say that if there was not more to his words but right now, I couldn't think about anything at all.

Eraserhead: Then how about you try to sleep for a whilMe: I slept enough....

Eraserhead: With these eyebags, I highly doubt that.... not as if I am one to judge people by that.

Me: I am seriously fine...

He thankfully left me be while I started to look out of the side window avoiding the front window view as mzuch as possible. I really had enough of this. However it made me feel a bit better knowing that I was right in not giving in to my inner feelings. I had to endure this and if this was my heavily punishment, then I would take it and I would learn to deal with this.

I may be weak but I knew more than anyone else what a crime I have commited. Based on that it was only fair that I would actually suffer this much. 

Eraserhead: Want to go into the cafe with me or should I just get you something?

Me: I... Ahm... can I stay?

Eraserhead: Whatever you want kid but we can also go inside and enjoy our time there with the cats inside.

When he said, I stopped looking outside the window and looked at the hero as the car was slwoly getting slower and slower. It seems as if we had just gotten to the cafe or close by. A cat cafe it was indeed but it did surprise me that we actually got here. At first the cafe was just an excuse to get out of the hospital and change the topic but being in front of it made me smile

Eraserhead: It's decided then. You are going with me to help out.

Me: Okay.

I didn't say anything against it as we pulled over and then finally got out of the car walking to the cafe and entering it. These cats were really everywere inside and although I was not playing nor petting them, I could only smile while looking at all the fluff surrounding me. I really loved fluffy things and there was this urge to go to a cat and just pick it up.

Eraserhead: Here hold this until I get our stuff.

This damn hero just gave me a cat in my hands. It was a main coon and it was a big cat too and this hero just gave it to me. I kinda enjoyed having it in my hands and it purring and enjoying it too but this was not the time for it. Still... how could my heart not melt at this?

I started petting it as I was holding the cat and waiting for the hero who seemed to actually take his sweet sweet time ordering. Whelp anyways, I was a bit bussy taking care of it soo no pressure on ariving with the food so we could get home. Whatever home was supposed to mean too.

I was sure I would find out soon enough... but for now... I had half an hour or even an hour time with this cat because the hero ordered 5 cups of coffee and said he needed it immediately and it couldn't wait at all. Of course I respected that with quite the grin in my face and a puring cat in my hands.

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