B) There is a window or something in the room ;)

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I had it. It is not even like 10 minutes that I was in my room that I was already spacing back and forth. My spirit felt restless and I didn't liked it at all. It was bothering me. The thing was, I didn't really know what was bothering me more, that I was still alive or that I felt as if I was dead. I knew it didn't really make sense but this is how I felt.

The window!

I need to actually do something.

This is driving me nuts.

Why did I even survive?!

I shouldn't have survived at all.

This is a mistake.. .it has to be... and this is ridiculous too.

First I went to the window to look at it but then tried to open it. This window didn't budge at all. Then there was the problem of it being like a double layered window as well which means breaking it will be quite troublesome but loud as well. This was not an option.... still I rattled and tried to open it for a bit more before I turned around and threw my slipper against the window and slummbed on the bed. 

Tears were already starting to well up in the corner of my eyes.

I wouldn't let this stop me for sure. 

By now I was desperate but I was more angry than anything else. It took me another couple of minutes before I would stand up, pacing back and forth across the room and decided to try to hang myself with the ceiling lamp. It was hanging down a bit but the moment I actually got to stand on a chair to be close to the hanging ceiling lamp, I spottet something more useful.

Is that?!

Yes it is...

There in the corner right by the door was a wall outlet which would be able to electrocute myself but there was this children safety on. It was definitely annoying but not something I wouldn't be able to take down. 

As quickly as I could I went over there and was about to get the children safety down but it was too much for me. I tried. Alright, I tried my best but couldn't get it down no matter what and in the end I got soo frustrated that I kicked the door making quite some noises. Dreamer started to bark at my door after that sound and Tsukauchi quickly came to check on me.

Well.... what a good start... frustration was definitely not my thing at all... especially dealing with it.

A knock at my door made me open it and look at Tsukauchi. He seemed quite worried.

Tsukauchi: Are you alright?

Me: Yeah...

Tsukauchi: What happened? I heared a loud bang.

Me: I slipped....

Tsukauchi: *sigh*

Me: What?

Tsukauchi: Did you forget about my quirk already?

Me: .... kinda....

Tsukauchi: I know when people lie.

Me: Oh shit....

Tsukauchi: So what happened?

Me: I kicked the door.

Tsukauchi: Any reasons for that?

Me: I got frustrated.

Tsukauchi: Oh... anything I can help you with?

Me: I wanted to use the power outlet but couldn't handle the children safety on there....

Tsukauchi: Pfff... what did you wanna plug in?

Nothing but I do want to charge my phone for later now.

I mean can't tell ya I wanted to eletrocute myself.... well a cable will do the trick too..

I thought about just touching it... but if I cut a cable... ah yes. 

Me: Phone.

Tsukauchi: Over there, I already put your charger inside so you can just plug your phone into it.

Me: Really? Where?

Tsukauchi: Over here.... but that isn't what you wanted. 

Me: It is.

Tsukauchi: Kiddo, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to but please don't lie to me. Just say you don't wanna talk about it now.

Me: Fine, then I don't wanna talk about it now at all.

Tsukauchi: That's fine with me... hey, how about we grab something sweet?

Me: Ice cream?

Tsukauchi: Sounds good to me.

I really hought he would scream at me and try to get me to tell him what I was doing but all he did was wrap an arm around me and leading me away from there to the living room where he sat down with me. Somehow, this silence was quite welcoming besides be both had some ice cream in no time as well.

To tell the truth, I didn't wanted to answer nor explain myself anyways and it seems that he didn't wanted to pressure me either. Whatever the case was, this was not that bad as I thought. It could have been worse and I imagined him starting to scream at me instead of this calmness.

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